🎈Happy birthday Luke🎈

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Zander's POV

"Cmon Hailey. We need to do something." I scoffed.

"He said he only wanted you to come to his party. There's nothing we can do about that. Now go see your boyfriend on his birthday!" Hailey replied. I rolled my eyes and walked down the hall to Luke.

"Hello" Luke smiled brightly at me. He held a hand out to me, of course I took it.

"Happy birthday" I murmured. I've never been good with things like compliments.

"Thank you" he accepted. He pulled my hand to his lips and kissed it softly.

"Are you sure you don't want anyone to come to your house for a birthday party?" I asked. We walked swiftly to our first class.

"I want you to come over to your house that's a good party right?" Luke said. His smile faded just a little bit. "Do you not wanna hang out with me?"

"No that's not it I just think you'd enjoy it more with other people there too"  I suggested.

"You can do whatever you want. But I will enjoy it better if you are the only one"

"Alright. I'll invite the whole club"

-third person POV-

The club walked into Zander's house.

"Hey Luke!" Zander's mom exclaimed

"Hey Mrs. Austin! How you are you?" Luke replied, smiling brightly at his boyfriends mom.

"I'm so good how are you?" She wondered.

"I'm awesome. I love your shirt by the way!" He said in an enthusiastic tone

"Oh thank you! I understand it's your birthday?"

"Yes it is" Luke smiled.

"Happy birthday" she exclaimed.

"Thank you." Luke finished. He looked down at Zander and wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

After a moment, they headed up to Zander's room.

"Dude I've never been in Zanders room before" Jake giggled. He looked around astonished at the small, purple haired boys room.

"Yeah well enjoy it while it lasts because this is the only time" Zander scoffed.

Luke wrapped his arm around Zander's Waist. Zander turned and kissed Lukes Jaw gently.

"so what should we do?" Milly wondered.

"Let's do parkour" Jake said, half joking.

"Ight bet" Milly replied.

"There will be no parkour in my bedroom. The only parkour that will happen is tonight." Zander laughed.

Everyone burst out in laughter.

A moment later, they found themselves watching a movie in the living room.

"For sleeping arrangements, Luke and Zander can share Zander's room, me and Milly will share my room, and Jake and Sean can sleep in the spare room"  Hailey planned. She pointed at each of us as she went down the list.

Hailey finally stopped talking. Zander leaned his head on Lukes shoulder, their hands locked tight. He kissed the top of the shorter boys head. Zander turned back and stared into his eyes, and leaned in for another kiss, this time on the lips.

The gap seperating the pair got smaller and smaller, and his arms wrapped themselves around Zander's waist.

<Zander's POV>

"Ewww get a room" I heard Hailey mock, thought we continued kissing.

"Save the makeout for later love birds" Jake teased. He accidentally woke Milly up, as she was sleeping on his shoulder (this is not a ship I just hc that Milly cuddles with everyone she also sleeps in all the boys underwear and t-shirts LOL)

"Ewwwyyyy" Milly mocked, looking at us.

I didn't care. This was what I wanted.

Finally, after a minute or so, I pulled away. I stared into Luke's eyes for a moment, until we both burst out laughing.


Idk if u could tell but I'm trying to switch back to my old writing style 'cause I was really proud of that writing and it was fun then but now I tried too hard to get better and I feel like my writing is more try-hard than fun:) anyways I hope you enjoyed!! Sorry if it's short:]

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