🏵After all This Time🏵

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🏵TW: mentions d€äth, âbuš£ and sü!c!dé🏵


-🏵Third person POV🏵-

It had been years since Zander and Luke had seen each other. When the pair was only eight years old, Luke had to move from washington all the way to Mishigan. The two weren't able to keep in touch since they were only eight years old.


Since then, Luke met a women and had a baby with her. However, she sadly died in an accident only two years after their child was born.

Zander, however, met a guy. The man was manipulative, along with being verbally and physically abusive. He convinced Zander that they where meant to be, and they adopted a son.


After the passing of his wife, Luke and his five-year-old daughter decided to move back to his home town, in hopes of running in to Zander. Luke always new his chances of finding the grape-haired boy were slim, but he had hope in trying.

So, they set out on their journey.


"C'mon Rinn, we need to hurry if we want to make it to the park before it closes" Luke shouted, waiting by the door of his apartment.

His daughter ran from her small bedroom to the door, and grabbed her dads hand.

"Ready daddy!" Corrine exclaimed, eager to get to the park.

Luke smiled at his daughter. He opened the door and she lead him out.

The park was just a few blocks away from their tiny home, and they walked their most days.

Finally, they arrived at the park. Corrine let go of Lukes hand and ran toward the swing, which she was too short to get on by herself.

"Come push me daddy!!" She rejoiced, smiling brightly as Luke made his way to the swings.

He plopped her up on the swing, and started pushing her gently.

"Higher please" she cheered.

"Uh, you don't mind if my son sits here. Do you?" Luke heard a shy voice coming from his left side. He turned to see a shorter guy, nervously looking at him.

"Of course not. It's a public park after all" Luke replied, smiling at the rather cute man.

"I supposed. I just don't want to be a bother. It seams that's what everyone else thinks I am" he spoke in a quiet voice.

Luke felt the sudden urge to talk to the boy.

"I know this is going to sound insane, but you look like a boy I used to have a crush on as a kid" Luke remarked, pushing his daughter on the swing.

"I was actually thinking the same thing. I'm Zander by the way" He explained.

"Oh, funny.. is your last name by any chance Wickham?" Luke wondered, turning to look at the short man.

"Well, it was until he.. we tied the knot" Zander spoke, stuttering on the subject of marriage.

"uhm, Corrine, why don't you go practice monkey bars?" Luke said, stopping the swing.

"Okay daddy! Can he come with me?" Corrine replied, pointing to the boy sitting next to her.

"If he wants to play with you, sure" Luke acknowledged, helping his little girl stand off the swing.

"I'll play with you. Your name's Corrine right?" He wondered. Jumping off the swing himself. She shook her head.

"Cool. I'm Elijah" He finished as the two walked to the monkey bars.

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