🚕To the comp!🚕

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Sean x Milly
Third person POV
Zander yawned, rubbing his eyes, his free hand clutching Luke's.

"Ms. Jones has kindly agreed to drive us. We borrowed mini bus from the school. You can get in whenever you're ready" Hailey finished, picking her bag up off the floor.

Sean got on first and sat in the seat behind the driver. Milly sat next to him. Then, Luke and Zander. They sat in about the middle of the bus, on the right side. Hailey and Jake got on last, and sat near the door.

"Alright. You can take off whenever your ready" Hailey added

Ms. Jones took off. Zander rested his head on Luke's shoulder, while Hailey and Jake quietly practiced their vocals, Milly and Sean goofed off, and looked at memes on their phones together.

Luke's POV-
Zander rested his head on my shoulder, causing a rush of crimson to flush upon my cheeks. I looked down to see he was sound asleep. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and kissed the top of his head. I noticed a smile creep upon his face and I turned red. He was awake.

"Sorry" I apologized as he lifted his head up.

"It's fine, I liked it" Zander smirked, wrapping his arms around my waist and closing his eyes.

I smirked and hugged him back.

Jake's POV-

"Wait wait wait let's sing the lander song" I joked, closing my music notebook

"You could be the peanut butter to my jelly" Hailey started, sounding clean and beautiful and always

"You could be the butterflies I feel in my belly" I continued. There was a pause, and we both started laughing.

"You could be the captain" Milly sang, pitchy and on the wrong tone

"And I could be your first mate" Sean continued, sounding just as, if it worse, then Milly. Milly and Sean burst out laughing.

"Shut up" Zander followed, flustered as to what had just happened.

"HAHA we made Zander maaaadddd" Milly joked.

"Alright you goofs, we are here" Ms. Jones warned.

"Alright. Thank you miss!" Hailey thanked Ms. J.
Fin because I have an idea for a Jailey fic😅

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