🦋Cuddles // yes🦋

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He layed across my unmade bed, still asleep. His body was so limp, so fragile. Luke found himself staring at the boy. He held his hand up to his face, and felt the warmth increasing slowly.

He slid his hand slowly under Zander's waist. His pinky and ring finger slipped into his shirt. Luke stopped in the moment, but kept going.

Zander flinched, causing Luke to jump. He pulled the front of Zander's shirt up, revealing his stomach. He rested his other hand on the boys torso.

Zander wrapped his arm around Luke, smiling as he rested his head in the little space.

"You're awake?" Luke mumbled into Zander's chest. Zander shushed him and ran his fingers through the boys red-brown hair, Every lock smooth.

"I gotta use the bathroom babies" Zander said with a muffled voice into Luke's hair. Luke moaned tiredly. "I know.. I don't wanna either. Geez, you really are like a big baby y'know"

"Yeah.." Luke smiled. His voice held a quiet tone. He stood up and picked Zander up with him. Carrying him bridal style to the bathroom.

Just a short bc I haven't posted in a while

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