❤️Cuddles 1/3❤️

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So probably about a year ago, I posted lander cuddling with the intention of making three other chapters with my other favorite ships (LJMS) but I never got to completing it. I figured it would be a good way to ease back into writing more on here since they will probably be pretty short chapters:) hopefully you guys enjoy!!

(Luke's POV)

Zander wrapped his leg over top of mine. His arm wrapped around my torso. This sitting-on-lap like position brought our faces close.

I could hear every breath he took, his inhale and exhale even distances apart, creating a perfect beat measure. I opened my eyes to find him already staring at me. I noticed his huge gleaming smile that I love so much.

"Hello handsome" I smirked, moving a hand from his waist to his cheek. Those words widened his smile even more.

He chuckled. "Hey"

"Can I tell you something?" I asked. He shook his head as I drifted our faces even closer than before, so we were almost kissing.

I paused for a second, trying to collect myself enough to say what I wanted to say. "You mean the whole entire world to me."

Gently, he pushed his face closer towards mine so our lips touched. I traced his smile with my lips.

He adjusted himself so that his legs were pressed together. His face buried in my chest. He maneuvered his arms in a way so that they were both wrapped around my waist.

I ran my fingers through his hair.

"How's school going?" He asked, voice muffled into my red hoodie.

"Pretty good. I got a D+ on my English test though." I admitted. "How about you?"

He sat up to more easily continue our coversation. He sat almost a foot away from me. Though, if I had it my way, we would have stayed just the way we were.

"I'm doing fine. I have a B- in math which sucks, but my mom isn't too mad."

"A B- and she's upset?" I wondered, a bit shocked. I knew shannon was strict about he and Hailey's grades, but I didn't think she was that strict.

He shook his head yes. "Well, she wants me to be a doctor so.. doctors are smart."

"But you are a genius. Always in honors, always passing tests, always turning in homework.. I love your brain because it's so smart"

He smiled and I kissed him once more. Every second I spend with Zander, I swear I fall more in love with him.

- fin:))

Guess who's back, back again😎 (the girls who get it, get it, the girls who don't, dont.) Anyways, sorry for the hiatus I've been on. Posting on the internet can get very nerve wracking sometimes and difficult for me with all the distractions and things going on in my life. I mean, I'm a busy 13 year old, what can I say. Anyway.. I really hope you guys enjoyed this and understand why I've been so inactive. I decided to momentarily not take requests because of the fact that I'm wayyyy to busy to be on a schedule. School ends soon tho so I'll have lots of free time!!:DD also, WHO'S EXCITED FOR EPISODE 9!!

Word count: 521

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