💕Cuddles p/2💕

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Jailey~ more writing about my ships cuddling. 🥺💕 if you have any ship requests (as long as they are legal I'll do any ship!) please comment below!

"I can only imagine~ how it is to be with you~ from the first day I saw you~ I knew this love was true." Jake sang, staring directly at Hailey. She had a loving grin on her face. Milly clapped violently and Zander stared off into the distance, listening, but not caring. "Wow, that was really good Jake" Luke said, letting go of Zander's hand to clap. Zander rolled his eyes and stared at Luke with an angry face. "S-sorry sweetie" Luke said, running his fingers through Zander's hair. "Yeah yeah okay." Zander complained, pushing Luke's hand away. Luke frowned. Hailey rolled her eyes, and made a face at Zander. He shrugged and turned to hug Luke. Hailey rolled her eyes and shook her head. "That was good Jake! You should come to my house to practice tonight" Hailey said. Might I add, they were practicing after school at the moment. "Sounds cool. I'll walk home with you Zander and Luke?" Jake asked, walking a step closer. "Yeah. We should actually get going now" Hailey said, checking her watch. "Alright." I finished. "Zander and Luke, pay attention. We are leaving now" Hailey complained. "We are paying attention!" Zander exclaimed. "Uh-huh so staring into each other's eyes is paying attention?" Hailey teased, annoyed. "Ugh shut up. Let's just go already" Zander scoffed. We left, and made it to Hailey's house. "Alright. Me and Jake will go to my room to practice. I don't care if you two come" Hailey sighed, walking through the doorway. Zander and Luke remained in the living room. Luke rapped his arms around Zander's waist, and Zander rapped his arms around Luke's neck. They pecked each others lips. "Aww" Zander's mom said. Zander blushed.

-Jakes POV-
I walked into Hailey's room and she sat on her bed. She patted the bed next to her, signaling for me to come sit beside her. So, I did. I plopped down, and rested my hand on hers. We talked for a while, but didn't sing. I think she wanted to hang out with me, so she made an excuse of singing. Though, I'm happy she did. She leaned her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. I gently wrapped my arm around her waist. She adjusted herself, and rested her left arm around my torso, onto my shoulder. She fell asleep. A moment later, I heard a knock at the door. "Uhhhh come in" I said quietly. Zander opened the door, Luke behind him, hugging Zander, resting his hands on his chest. Luke's head was propped up on Zander's, and Zander was holding onto Luke's hands. "Woah, um, my mom wanted me to tell you two supper is ready, but it appears you have already eaten" Zander joked, being half serious. "Shut up Zander! Me and Hailey are just friends! And, says you!" I replied, flustered. "Mhm mhm. WAIT- ME? WHAT DO YOU MEAN ME?!" Zander scoffed, walking out of Luke's arms. "YOU AND LUKE ARE ALWAYS ALL TOUCHY-FEELY WITH EACH OTHER! YOU GOT BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER, AND DESERT!" I fought, waking Hailey. Though I only noticed she was awake when I heard her laugh. "Wait- YOU HEARD THAT WHILE THING?!" I exclaimed. "Yeah, she woke up when Zander said 'woah' she's been awake ever since" Luke mentioned, grasping Zander's hand. "I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT JAKE" Zander yelled, blushing. "I'M TALKING ABOUT HOW YOU ALWAYS MAKE OUT PROBABLY" I added. "NUH-UH WE NEVER FRENCH KISSED." He confirmed. "OH YEAH RI-" I started, but was cut off my Zander and Hailey's mom. "Could you please stop yelling already? Dinner is ready." She complained. "Sorry mom/Mrs. Austin!" Zander in I yelled in unison.
I hope you liked this!!

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