🌩Thunder storms🌩

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Okay- again I've seen 1000000 people do this one so why tf not:D

(Luke'a POV)

Luke and Zander had been living with eachother for not but a month now. Luke had just turned eighteen before their graduation, when they decided it was best to move in with each other. Luke had pretty bad separation anxiety, so it was easiest for him. Of course, Zander wanted to move in with Luke too.
And then, there was the trouble of thunderstorms. Zander had been very scared of them since he was just a baby, and Luke was the only one who could calm him down during them.

On this particular day, it was raining very hard, and looking like it would thunder. I already knew that I had to prepare Myself for a whole lot of tears, but I was alright with that. I love Zander too much to worry about ruining my shirts with tear stains. As well as granola stains. It was one of those foods that Zander only wanted during bad times. Mine was gogo squeeze, a kids food pouch.

"Okay Luke. You know better than to fall asleep right before a thunder storm.. stay awake.. stay..." I thought, before doing the opposite of what the of what I wanted. I drifted off to sleep in a matter of seconds.

Some hours passed by. I quickly woke up to Zander not-so-gently shaking me awake, tears running down his cheeks, onto my chest, face, and neck. He looked so terrified. I sat up and picked him up onto my lap, resting his face into my chest.

"It's alright love, we'll fall asleep together okay." I comforted as he gripped my shirt tighter than I knew he could. I can hear him shaking.. his heartbeat racing so swiftly it sounded as if it would beat out of his own chest. His sobs increased as another strike of thunder hit the earths surface, causing a loud ruble to ripple through the sound waves to our ears.

I ran my hands gently through his hair. My fingers tangled up in each strand. It was oh so soft, like cotton candy clouds on a spring after noon. A single purple strand remained on my fingers after I pulled them out of his hair. I flicked it onto the ground, never to be seen again.

I went back to stroking Zander's hair, except this time, they glided down to his arms. I gently placed a kiss on the surface of his forehead, trying to not startle him. Lord did I love this boy.

Another rumble overcame our ears, followed by a big flash lighting up the whole room. He jumped in my arms, letting out a strong cry.

As more thunder struck from the sky, I felt Zander's small hands wrap themselves around my torso. "Hey hey, it's alright. It'll be over before you know it. Try to sleep baby" Zander nodded his head before easing his posture into a more comfortable postition.

The thunderstorm lasted hours longer, but we remained still. In fact we barely moved. I knew if I moved too much, Zander might not be as comfortable anymore. I'm trying my best to keep him calm, but it's getting difficult.

"Zander my love, can we lay down for a bit?"

Zander paused for a moment, but replied "okay" in the end. I carefully layed back onto my pillow, trying my best not to let go of Zander.

"The storm should pass soon. Let's hope for the best!" I remarked, praying I was correct. I felt a little nod on my chest. Now that we were laying down, I was a lot more comfortable, but I can never say the same for Zander.

I'm so glad he trusts me like this.. letting me take control at such a vulnerable time. I know for a fact that if I were anyone else I'm this world, he would've asked me to 'call Luke'. But I am Luke. And I'm so lucky to be. I get to hug.. cuddle, even kiss someone so perfect for me. Me and Zander have always felt like more than just best friends, but now that we are more than friends, I'm happier than I thought I ever could be.

I felt a little movement on my chest, and I looked down to see what was going on. He had fallen asleep. A smile spread across my warm cheeks as the tension in the way he layed gentled itself into a sleeping position. He pulled the blanket up to his face.

"Gosh.. He's gonna be mad that his face is red in the morning" I thought, my smile widening. My arm that was stroking him continued until I feel asleep. I dreamed well, with the little sleep I got that night.

When we woke up, Zander awkwardly looked at me, his face redder than normal. "W- did I put my head like that last night?" He wondered, a flustered mess.

"Yes.. don't be flustered silly we've been dating for s while now" I laughed, blushing a bit myself. He laughed at me in return.

"So.. how late were we up? I don't really remember too much but from what I can remember,, and judging by this throbbing headache, I'm gonna say not much?" Zander questioned.

I thought for a minute, recalling the events of the night prior. "Not enough, that's for sure"


"It's my pleasure, hunny. I enjoyed your sad cuddles" I admitted, teasingly.


Last night reminded me of the first time in ever happened. We were only six years old. We were having a sleepover at my house. We didn't know it would thunder and lightening that night. I had at least some knowledge of Zander's fear, but I didn't think it would be as bad as it was.

(Flashback tiiiime)

Zander shakily shat at the far corner of Luke's bed, tears falling from his eyes. Luke didn't know what to do, so he remained on the opposite side, staring at his crush.

"U-Uhm.. hey! It's alright Zander.. should I come over there?" Zander shook his head yes, closing his eyes tighter. Luke crawled not far across his twin sized bed, and carefully hugged the sobbing boy next to him.

"Hey do you wanna play games or something?" Luke asked, but got no reply. He supposed it meant no. They remained seated there for quite some time, when suddenly, Zander's cried came to a stop. Zander's face was nuzzled into Luke's shoulder, but he was asleep.

"Okay then.. I'll just,," Luke thought, carefully putting down Zander onto his bed.


I smiled in remembrance. I must have been so red.

Ahahahahaha I rly tried with this one lols- hopefully I liked it jsjdjsjhwjdjahw

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