41. Pro-Gamer Move

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Kenma POV

When I arrive, I watch the staff prepare for the gaming competition and competitors checking in, I awkwardly find a place to stand as I wait for the gaming tournament to start. I didn't think there would be so many people invited to this. I recognized some of these video game streamers here but there were some that I didn't know.

"Hey, do you have a phone charger that I can use?" A rabbit masked man with brown hair and blond highlights asks.

"I do," I tell him as I hand him my charger.

"Otsu~" He happily says as he charges his cellphone and starts playing a gacha game on his cellphone. "Hey what's your gamer name?" He questions as he starts charging his cellphone.

"Applepi..." I answer. "How about you?"

"Taruchi," he says not battling an eye.

Taruchi... oh I remember seeing his streams a couple of times. He's quite popular and has many subscribers to his channel. He normally keeps to himself away from things like this I heard so it's a surprise that he's here.


Well, I'm only here because of the prize money so he probably has the same intentions in his mind. But even so, I don't understand why he's wearing such a strange rabbit mask on. How can he even play while having that mask on him?

"Why are you wearing the rabbit mask?" I ask.

"Hahaha, can't risk exposing myself can't I? My reputation will be on the line if they see me here," Taruchi answers with a sigh.

"I see... what games do you play?" I ask.

"A bunch," Taruchi confidently states. "Which ones do you play?"

The two of us share the games that we played and exchanged friend codes for any games that we both have. As we wait, the two of us play games together.

"No way! Are you Taruchi!?" A long brownish blond hair girl gasps.

"In the flesh," he proudly says.

"Omg, can I have your autograph!" She squeals then clears her throat. "I need to calm myself down or else Osamu will be jealous if he were to see me fangirling like this." The girl takes a deep breath in then out. "My name Mic— I mean Mi-Ken," the girl happily introduces herself.

"Oh, I heard of you. You're quite popular yourself," Taruchi says recognizing her name and signs his signature on a piece of paper.

"Oh really! Thanks, I like to post and stream in my free time!" Mi-Ken grins then turns to me. "What's your name? Like your gamer name I mean."

"...applepi," I tell her.

"Oh nice! I think I've seen one of your videos before!" Mi-Ken grins.

"Everyone, 15 more minutes till we get started. Please check the billboard sign to see who you would be playing against," a staff member tells everyone gathered.

I glance over to Taruchi and Mi-Ken. They seem like nice people but I wonder how they are when it comes to gaming—


I jolt back startled when Taruchi claps his hands together. "Gaming gods please bless me and my RPG skills that I will win this and get the money for my gacha addiction."

My eyebrow twitches. "What the--"


Mi-Ken claps her hands together. "Please gaming gods let me do my best and win so I can pay for my figurines this month and pay back all the money that I owe my twin sister."

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