37. Blackmail

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Akane POV
(Next day ~ In the early morning)

Without catching any of the attention from the girls or boys from the other schools in the morning, I sneak into the Nekoma boys' room with the stuff that Kenma texted me to bring. I slide the door open and find Kenma there. He puts his finger to his lips to warn me to stay quiet and I nod my head.

As planned, I quietly wake up all the boys except for Kuroo.

"Akane, what's going on?" Yaku asks as he rubs his eyes to wake himself up.

"Shhh...." I shush him and the rest of the boys in the early morning as I push them out of the room once they get the things that they needed to start off their day.

"You'll see. Just make sure to greet Kuroo in the morning," Kenma tells them and quickly shuts the door.

"???" They all look at each other, confused by the sudden commotion but head to the bathroom to get ready for the start of the day.

I look over to Kuroo who's comfortably sleeping. "Kenma are you sure? What if he wakes up?" I whisper and he shakes his head.

"Kuroo is a pretty heavy sleeper. He won't wake up that easily," Kenma says as he stares at Kuroo sleeping then scowls. "I should've known that this idiot was the one who schemed this whole plan to get the two of us together. It was all thanks to Lev telling me that I figured everything out," Kenma clicks his tongue and I flinch.

He's angry. He's definitely angry.

"Well, it did have a good ending didn't it?" I happily smile and Kenma's cheeks blush.

"It did, but still this is just a little revenge for him planning all of this behind our backs. If he was straightforward with us then we wouldn't have to deal with all of this drama," Kenma explains and a sweatdrop falls behind the back of my head knowing that he was right.

"... you have a point," I reason with his logic and hand him a black marker. "Hope he doesn't kill us after this."

A smirk forms on Kenma's face as he pulls off the cap. "What comes around goes around. No hard feelings."

Third Person POV

(5 minutes later)

After Kenma artistically draws on Kuroo's face with a marker, Akane and Kenma look at each other and try to hold in their laugh.

"You should go, I'll take some pictures of him then wake him up," Kenma says as he stands up. "And gather the team and Nanami so they can see this. I'm sure this will make their day."

Akane grins. "Ok."

Once Akane leaves, Kenma takes a few pictures of Kuroo with his cellphone then kicks Kuroo to wake him up. "Kuroo wake up."

"One more minute," Kuroo mumbles.

"We have practice, everyone already left a while ago," Kenma tells him and Kuroo shoots himself up.

"Seriously!" Kuroo yells and starts rummaging through his things for his toothbrush and toothpaste.

"Uhm," Kenma says as he does everything that he could to hold in his laughter.

The two of them head to the bathroom and for some reason, Kuroo couldn't understand the strange looks that they were getting as they passed by some of the boys on their way to the bathroom.

"Weird, is it my hair?" Kuroo says as he tries to fix his hair.

"No, it's the same as usual," Kenma simply answers as he sends a text to Akane.

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