3. Kittens

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Akane POV

It has been a week since I met Kenma on the first day of school and right now I'm with him in the back of the school taking care of the kittens that we found in a box. I take a little peek from the corner of my eye as I watch Kenma play with kittens.

The me from the past would have never thought of becoming friends with someone like him... But I'm glad that I did. Even though we are friends, we don't talk to each other a lot, but that's actually a good thing. He does talk slowly compared to others, however that just makes it easier to read his lips. I smile and he looks at me with a confused face.

"Is something wrong Akane?" I read his lips and I shake my head.

"Nothing's wrong," I answer him and take a look at the kitten in his hands. "Did your parents say you take the kittens home?" I ask.

"They say I can't," he quietly mumbles as I notice his lips slight quiver.

The two of us don't talk for a while. The silence isn't awkward though, it just felt natural. It is different from the silence that I know I can't hear. This type of silence really has the soothing atmosphere that makes you feel comfortable. If only silence can always be like this for me.

Without realizing, I feel someone poking me from the back and I flinch. I slow turn around to see that it was Kenma. "Sorry Akane, it's just strange how you didn't say anything when I kept on calling you, so I tried poking you" He timidly mouths.

Crap! I didn't hear him at all... Think of an excuse any excuse, my mind cries and I think of a decent reason as an excuse for not hearing him.

"I-I was thinking about their names!" I fluster and point to the kittens. Try to keep calm, "w- we never gave these kittens names." I stumble in talking, but he nods his head in understanding on the poorly thought out excuse.

"What name do you want to give to this kitten?" He asks me pointing to the white kitten.

"Hmmm... How about Mei. It sounds like a pretty name for the kitty," I happily answer and hold out a white kitty with a brown spot on it.

"What name do you want to give to this kitten?" I question and Kenma thinks hard about the name and suddenly an idea pops into his mind.

"Cho." He answers and I tilt my head in confusion in his answer. Did he says Cho? "The spot looks like a butterfly." He picks it up and shows me the shape that he believes looks like a butterfly... I mean I guess that's reasonable.

Next we take the gray kitten with black stripes out and I quickly think of a perfect name for it. "Oh let's name this one Nekota then~" I cheerfully purr and play with it paws.

"Sure." Kenma gives a simple response and the two of us turn to the last kitten. Just from seeing it I thought of the perfect name.

"Let's name the black kitten... Kuroko." Kenma and I say together and he gives me a light smile. I can't believe we thought of the same name for the kitten. I must have made a dumbstruck face because Kenma chuckles.

"It's because of Kuroo am I right?" He says and my mouth just drops as quickly figures out the origin of the name. "Kuroko is just like Kuroo, he teases the other kittens and acts likes the oldest one here." He speaks to the kitten as if the kitten is Kuroo. I burst out laughing hearing his reason for naming the kitten after Kuroo. I just thought the eyes on the cat were similar to his, but Kenma really thought it out.

I notice one of the kittens, Cho, scurry towards someone's feet. I quickly look up to see that it's Kuroo, the person we've been talking about.

"I don't think having a cat being named after me sounding very rewarding after volleyball practice," Kuroo says finishing his volleyball practice and comes here everyday after his practices to walk home with Kenma. I haven't talked to him a lot, but after befriending Kenma I realized that he's the only person that Kenma talks to so I just ended up being friends with him. "Akane, your brother is wondering where you went. I told him that you went to play with kittens, but he's probably worried right now." Kuroo shrugs and I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck.

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