11. Overprotective Brother

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Kenma POV
(The Next day - In the gym)

Right now I'm giving tosses to everyone so they can practice spiking the volleyball, but I'm not focusing so much on volleyball. All I could think about is my cellphone, to be particular, Pokemon Go. Pokémon Go came out yesterday night and I want to go to some Pokestops.

An hour later we get a break from practice and I immediately take my cellphone out to see if there are possible Pokemon could leap out. To my disappointment I got nothing.

Curse Pokemon Go for making me have to be active.

Kuroo suddenly comes over to me with a wide smile. "Kenma did you walk with Akane and Aoi after the practice game?" He asks and I nod my head.

"I did." I answer and suspiciously stare at him trying to figure out why he seems a little too happy today. Kuroo being too happy could be a bad thing only because he becomes too talkative. 

"Aw. Kenma are you charmed by my handsome looks?" He teases me and I shudder in response.

From the way he's acting I think I get why he's so happy right now, but he's creeping me out. "How far did you walk Nanami home?" I ask him as I put my cellphone away to continue practice knowing that staying in this gym will not give me any Pokemon.

"You don't have to be such a worrywart Kenma," Kuroo laughs and tries to push the topic aside. I sigh.

"She lives in the opposite direction from us. I'm surprised you took the time to take her all way home," I tell him shaking my head.

"It's worth it though. I got to see some sides of her that I have never seen before," He happily tells me seeing that I'm sort of paying attention to him and his love life.

I want to catch a Pokemon in Pokemon Go, but Kuroo seems like he needs someone to and I doubt anyone would feel like listening to him, but me.

"Why did you ask Nanami to be the manager and not someone else?" I ask him to pass by time and the tips of his lips turn up.

"Well she's a cute girl that I can't keep my eyes off of~" He answers with mischievous smirk on his face.

"You're crazy for her," I comment and he shakes my head.

"I'm not crazy for her. She's just truly a unique person." He answers as he looks over to Nanami who's helping Akane out.

I sigh. It's so obvious that he likes her.

"Aren't you the same with Akane~ can't keep your eyes off her either~" he teases me.

My eyes widen. "Not really, " I answer and follow Kuroo's gaze.

I don't like Akane like that. I'm not really into the kind of relationship that Kuroo is thinking. Akane is my friend. We play video games or we play with our cats together. I'm not ready for any kind of romantic relationship.

I watch Akane almost trip from carrying too many boxes, but Nanami quickly pulls her back up. A small smile forms on my face. She didn't have any friends last year so she always kept me company. Even this year we don't have classes together, but she would stick close to me. I don't mind her following me, yet I'm glad she has Nanami as a friend as well.

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