26. Interhigh Prelimaries

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(The First Day of the Inter-High Preliminaries)

"So this is where they're playing at," I mumble to myself as I towards the Sumida gym after making sure this was the right building.

It's ironic though. I woke up early to avoid driving in traffic but so many people came so it didn't make much of a difference.

Ring Ring Ring 

My cellphone rings and I pick it up."Hello," I greet.

"Aoi did you arrive?" My mom asks me first thing after I pick up the call.

"I did," I answer.

"Oh what a relief. I'm glad you able to make it in one piece. You were always a weak driver," my mom teases.

A vein pops on my head. "If that's all you need to tell me then I'm just going to hang up."

"Don't hang up Aoi, it was just fun teasing you," my mom giggles and I sigh. "But do watch over Akane and cheer her on as she helps the team as manager. Your father and I wish we could come to support her but we couldn't get a day off."

"Don't worry I'm here," I reassure her. "I'll cheer her on for all of us."

"Thank you Aoi. Always such a devoted brother, we are proud of you," my mom tells me and I chuckle.

"Thanks and I'll take pictures too. Bye," I tell her and she says her goodbyes then hangs up.

Right after, I send a text to Akane to ask where she is and end up receiving a vague response of her telling me that they are in the gym.

... I wish she was more specific...

With not much of an idea of where to go, I walk over to the gym and see an older woman near the entrance. Seeing her feebly walk, I sprint over and open the door for her.

"Thank you kind sir," the older woman thanks me.

"It's no problem," I tell her but before I can enter after her, a bunch of people walk in and as a result, I end up holding the door like a doorman.

A sweatdrop falls behind the back of my head. I feel like I'm not going to be able to greet Akane before Nekoma's match starts at this point.

Once the coast was clear, I enter the gym and decide to find where the team was.

Hmmm.... I wonder where the closest spot would be to get some good pictures?

"Excuse me but do you know where Nekoma boys volleyball match is?" Someone asks me.

I turn around and see a pretty, tall girl with light pink hair standing there completely lost.

"It's in this gym but I'm not completely sure where exactly. I'm watching their match too so we can figure out together," I answer.

"Really that's great! Oh I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Alisa Haiba," Alisa happily greets.

"Aoi Yoshina," I tell her. "Are you watching someone from the boys' volleyball team?"

"I am! I'm here for my little brother, Lyovochka!" Alisa happily answers. "How about you?"

"My younger sister, Akane. She's the manager for the boys' volleyball team so I want to go and support her," I answer.

"You have a younger sister!?" Alisa gasps. "You're so lucky! I always wanted a little sister to talk to and go shopping with—-! Oh sorry, I got a little too excited, how embarrassing," she says as she covers her face embarrassed.

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