63. Determination

417 34 2

Kenma POV
(National Spring Tourament Round 3 ~ Nekoma vs Karasuno)

Current score:
Karasuno - 0
Nekoma - 1

After winning the first set, their coach called for a timeout before moving on to the next set. I walk back to the bench with everyone and drink the water from the bottle that Akane handed me.

"Ugh! Can't they just slack off a rally or something? Like seriously they're too energetic!" Kuroo complains.

"You do remember we're playing against Karasuno right? They don't know the definition of slacking off. I bet they can play against us all day if they wanted to," Yaku jokingly says.

"I wouldn't say that," I state and everyone turns to me. "Nobody has infinite stamina and looking at them, it is obvious that they're getting tired," I point out. "Well that goes for us too I guess."

"Kenma" Yamamoto looks at me with a serious gaze.

I flinch. "Don't look at me like that. I don't want to hear it--"

"Let's see some guts!" Yamamoto shouts as he hits me in the back.

"Gahh!!! Go away!" I cry and Akane laughs.

"You're quite energetic still too Kenma," she teases and I sheepishly sigh with a slight blush.

Yaku folds his arms. "Well getting back to business here. We won the first set because your plan on stopping Hinata is working."

I smirk. "As it should. Karasuno is a team that depends a lot on their middle blockers and their skillful setter, Kageyama. However, if we successfully contain Shoyo then that quick set they use to score points is no longer usable," I explain.

Lev's eyebrows furrow. "Kenma you're scary."

"I'm just stating the truth," I state and look over to the team. "It is impossible to completely shut down any attack but all we need to do is take away a few of those points from Karasuno so the little stresses they have will pile up and lead to little mistakes or better yet lost points."

"Right!" They shout.

The next set starts and as we played against them, I continue to observe Shoyo. As I planned with the team, we directed our serves to Shoyo and his teammates have been covering for him. He's become more hesitant in his gameplay because he's just starting to learn how to properly receive... but as I expected Shoyo is a fast learner. Throughout this set, he's been learning and adapting.

I glance over at the current score on the scoreboard.

24 - 24

I chuckle. Shoyo is interesting, 

Kageyama serves the volleyball and Yamamoto receives the volleyball. I get into position and toss the volleyball to Fukunaga. Fukunaga tries to spike the volleyball but it hits the tip of Tsukishima's fingers.

"One touch!" He shouts.

Nishinoha receives it and tosses it to Asahi. Asahi spikes the volleyball down and the score becomes 25-24 with Karasuno being in the lead.

I bounce the volleyball and survey the court. I find a tough spot for them to receive and serve it at a corner. Daichi notices then dives for the volleyball. Kageyama runs to the ball and tosses it to Shoyo. He spikes it but Lev and Inuoka block it.

The volleyball goes back to their side and Kageyama dives for it and Tanaka brings it up in the air. The volleyball is tossed to Shoyo again and he spikes it through our blockers.

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