10. Cheerleader~

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Akane POV
(A few days later~ Game Day)

Today's the day Nekoma is playing against Shinzen. I happily grin to myself as I head over to the gym where Aoi is saving me a seat. Being the manager has been somewhat rough these past few days since they had practice more often, but with Nanami. I felt like I was able to manage everything without anyone noticing that I couldn't hear. I'm glad everything has been fine. I want to support Kenma as a team manager!

I stop walking and notice a brown hair girl standing in front of the school entrance with a hesitant look on her face. I take a closer look to notice that it's Nanami. I watch her try to exit the school, but she immediately comes back to where she was just standing with a frustrated look on her face. Is she trying to leave?

"Nanami!!!!" I sprint and jump on her making her fall down to the ground. "Nanami what are you doing?" I greet her and she flinches after being startled by surprise.

"I... I was about to go home," She answers avoiding my gaze. My eyes widen hearing her wanting to go home. I know Aoi's here watching the game, but what if he didn't.... I need Nanami to be close to the team. I bite the bottom of my lip. If she doesn't come to this game maybe she might quit in the future. I can't take that chance. I give Nanami a huge smile so she wouldn't notice the worry growing inside of me.

"You don't seem like you want to go home. You been standing like that for 5 minutes," I say all knowingly and her cheeks flush red in embarrassment. I take this opportunity when she's flustered to pull her by the arm, "Let's go Nanami! My brother saved us some seats. The matches here are crowd!" I grin and drag her without a second thought.

"W-Wait Akane! I can't keep up," Nanami says as she tries to keep her balance as I pull her along.

"We can't walk slow. Kenma and the team are going to play now. We got to go cheer for them!" I grin and continue to pull her along with me.

We arrive to the gym and my eyes widen seeing the gym filled with rows of people watching.  There are so many people watching this match~ I scan the gym trying to find Aoi. I eventually find him near the Nekoma side waiting there with a book in his hands. My eyes lighten up and I pull Nanami along my pace. "Aoi!" I shove Nanami forward and introduce him to her. "This is Nanami Matsuoka. She's in the team due to my influence and Kuroo's words." I happily say. "Nanami, this is Aoi, my older  brother and he's a friend of Kuroo's too."

"Nice to meet you, Nanami." he offers a handshake.

"Um. Nice to meet you too." She takes his hand and shake it. I smile seeing the two of them get to know each other. Nanami and Aoi are very similar, I feel like they would be great friends in the future. I take my seat next to Aoi's right side and Nanami sits on Aoi's left side.

A sense of relief rushes through me seeing that Nanami isn't sitting next to me. She might try to talk to me during the game and I probably won't even hear her so I'm glad Aoi is here just in case if anything happens.

I stare out to the courts and search for Kenma. I end up finding him practicing with the team and tossing the volleyball to Kuroo. My heart beats fast seeing him act serious in game. Kenma using his skills as a setter. He's so cool~ I'm glad he got to be the setter for the team once Kuroo became captain. It suits him.

I notice Kuroo jog over to the stands towards Nanami, Aoi and me bringing Kenma along with him. "Kenma!" I accidentally shout aloud from being too excited. I notice him slightly jolt back in surprise. I cover my mouth and try to take a deep breath to figure out how loud I should be since I can't hear myself in the first place. "Are you ready for the game today?"

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