42. Warning

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Kenma POV
(At night ~ At Kozume's Household)

After I take Akane home, I arrive back to my house to find Kuroo chilling in my room like he owns the place. I swing my bag down to the corner of the room and sigh. "You're here early than I thought."

"I dropped off Nanami at her house then came here," Kuroo shrugs. "Don't worry I didn't wait long but I'm curious about what it is that you want to talk about."

I take a seat on my bed and look over to Kuroo. "How do you know Miyu?"

"Miyu? It was around the time before the Inter-high Preliminaries, she suddenly appeared and confessed to Aoi. Of course, Aoi rejected her because he barely even knew her but she must have been quite persistent since they're dating now," Kuroo answers then narrows his eyes. "Now how do you know about her? You normally don't pay attention to the people around you."

"She's in my class although I never really knew or talked to her until I saw her around Akane a couple of times," I answer and his eyes widen.

"Are they friends?" Kuroo asks surprised and I shake my head.

"At most acquaintances but not even," I answer.

"I see..." Kuroo mumbles. "Still how does any of this have to do with Aoi? It's not she befriended Akane. During the anime convention, they barely even spoke a word to each other... Why would she get involved with Akane in the first place? What was the point of all that?"

I purse my lips. Exactly why did she get to know Akane if she doesn't use her to get close to Aoi? Wait a moment... what if this does have to do with Akane? Miyu doesn't use Akane to get close to Aoi but rather—- my eyes dilate in realization.

Kuroo notices the tense expression on my face. "Kenma there's something on your mind, what is it?"

"Kuroo... I think she knows Akane is deaf," I state and Kuroo's eyes widen.

"No way?! How would she know that?" Kuroo questions, surprised by my words.

"I said 'I think..' I'm still unsure if she knows but..." I tell him as I remember when I first met Miyu with Akane. "There was a time that she called out to Akane and Akane didn't hear her. When no one was looking, she unzipped Akane's backpack so she could start a conversation with her."

"Are you serious? I knew she was crazy but not crazy crazy," Kuroo facepalms himself with disbelief.

"To be honest, Akane is good at hiding that she's deaf when she can see your face and your lips. However, the moment that Akane turns around and isn't looking, she can't hide the fact that she's deaf. I'm sure that every time Miyu called out to Akane, she slowly figured it out," I explain as I try to put together the final pieces to the puzzle.

Kuroo puts his hands together and rests his chin on top. "What are you trying to say?"

"Miyu might be using this against Aoi," I tell him.

"So blackmail," Kuroo states, and I nod my head.

"Miyu knows that Akane is deaf and realizing she found something against Aoi. She made a deal with Aoi to not say a word if he dates her," I explain. "With not much of choice, Aoi dates her so she keeps her mouth shut."

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