45. BBQ!

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Akane POV
(The Next Day...)

After the endless practice matches that they had to do, their lunch ended up being one big festive BBQ with all the teams together.

"Ahem," Coach Nekomata clears his throat then glances around to see if anyone was paying attention, but instead they were all distracted by the food. "Ahem!" he clears his throat again and everyone wakes up from their food trance. "You have all worked hard over this week-long training camp and your hunger will make this food taste all the more delicious. Go ahead and mend your muscles to your heart's content!" He grins.

"Thanks for the food!!!" the boys cheer and start grabbing the food as fast as they possibly can.

From the sidelines, I watch all the boys either chat with each other or dig into the delicious BBQ meat.

Not wanting to collide in that crowd of boys, I decided to wait for the crowd to clear up before grabbing some food. I causally play with my cats and to my surprise, they started to follow someone who passed by. I look up and see a tall long black hair girl that I recognized, Natsuki Tsukiyomi.

"It's nice to see you again Natsuki," I greet the girl I met back from the first practice match that we had with Karasuno.

"It's been a while Akane," Natsuki gives a small wave and crouches down to play with the cats. "How are you doing?"

"Pretty good," I grin. "You seem to be doing well."

Natsuki's eyes widen and the tip of her lips turn up. "You're not wrong about that. I guess it's more like I'm glad that I finally have the courage to face forward to do what I want to do without feeling like I'm being tied down."

"Hehe I'm happy for you," I smile. "It's nice to see you come back though. The cats really like you."

"They do, but not so much for Kageyama huh?" Natsuki jokingly says as she pets Kuroko's head and I laugh.

Grumble Grumble

My stomach grumbles and my cheeks flush. "How embarrassing... I wish I could get myself some food but it's crowded over there." I admit as I glance over to the grills.

A sweatdrop falls behind the back of Natsuki's head as she watches Yachi try to get some food but end up surrounded by all of the scary-looking players. "Waiting for the food doesn't seem like a bad idea honestly—- Oh Tomoyo."

"Hello~" Tomoyo greets. "I'm jealous seeing the two of you together. Let me join." She says as she takes a seat down and tries to pet Nekota but he turns away from her. "Oh, how cruel."

"Are you not good with animals?" Natsuki questions with a blank look as she watches all my cats avoid getting near Tomoyo.

"Guess not," Tomoyo laughs. "Oh Natsu-sama, can you get us some drinks please? Remember you owe me for everything that I've done till now."

"... Fine. I'll do it since you've been helping me out this whole time," Natsuki sighs. "Akane do you want anything?"

"I'll take anything fruity," I tell her and she nods her head.

I watch Natsuki go and feel a sudden hand on my shoulder. I flinch and Tomoyo smiles.

"Hahaha I finally got your attention," Tomoyo jokingly says and notices me looking over to Natsuki. "Well, I'm glad you're good friends with Natsu-sama. She looks intimidating but actually, she's the most honest and kindest person that I've ever met."

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