23. Sense of Relief

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Kenma POV

I purse my lips.

The moment that my eyes met with Akane, I saw the sudden conflicted look on her face. Did something happen?

"Kenma what's got you distracted?" Kuroo asks, noticing that my attention was somewhere else. He looks over and sees my gaze towards Akane.

The tip of his lips playfully turns up. "Ohi I see~ Young love. Kenma you don't need to hide it from me," Kuroo teases as he pats me on the back as a proud father would and I frown.

"What are you even talking about?" I mumble and ignore the rest of the words that were coming out from his mouth.

I continue to watch Akane as she suddenly stands up from the bench then briskly walks over to Coach Nekomata. I couldn't hear the two of them from this far but I could tell from their facial expressions how serious the conversation is.

"What's Akane talking to Coach Nekomata about?" Kuroo asks the same question that's currently running through my mind.

Before I could try to piece out the possible conversation that they were having, Coach Nekomata loudly claps his hands together to catch everyone's attention.

"Everyone! Gather around here!" He calls out to us.

"Yes!" We all respond as we stop what we were doing and come together.

"..." I notice the anxious look on Akane's face once everyone comes over waiting to hear what the coach needed to tell them. Why is Akane standing next to the coach? Wait... Is this about Akane—-? My eyes widen in realization.

Akane notices my gaze then faintly smiles. "Everyone there's something that I need to tell you all." I see her nervously trembling as she hesitates to tell the team the truth.

I don't know if Akane told Coach Nekomata already but he seems to know how serious this matter is. As much as I want to help Akane, I know this is something she needs to do on her own, and yet seeing her--

"A—" before I could interrupt, Coach Nekomata stares at me with a stern look on his face. I flinch and don't say another word.

"O-on that night when I got lost in Miyagi, I want to apologize for being a burden to everyone. Thank you all for trying to find me," Akane apologizes as she bows her head down.

"Eh? You got lost?!" Lev blurts out in complete shock.

Kuroo glances over to Coach Nekomata who has an unreadable smile on his face. Kuroo's face pales knowing that he was going to be punished for lying to him.

Kuroo looks over to Akane and clears his throat. "It's okay Akane. You're a part of the team and what matters the most is that you're safe."

"Kuroo is right. You don't need to apologize for a small thing. If anyone in the team was lost then we would all go out and search for them until we find them," Kai adds.

Akane bites the bottom of her lip. "No... it's not a small matter, there's a reason why I got lost and why it was hard to find me that night no matter how much you called out to me. I've been hiding it from everyone but I want to tell the team at least.... t-the truth is.... this truth is that I'm deaf."

Everyone's eyes widen except for mine and Coach Nekomata.

"Deaf... but you could hear us talking can't you? You always respond to us just fine," Yaku questions surprised and Akane shakes her head.

"No, I really can't hear you. I know what everyone is saying because I'm reading your lips and your facial expressions to understand what you're saying," Akane explains.

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