24. Akane #2

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Taketora POV
(That night ~ In Yamamoto household)

"Fuwaaa" I let out a long yawn and toss my duffel bag at the corner of my room.

After a long day of volleyball practice, I take a seat down on my desk and look up at the ceiling. The same thought that has been on my mind the whole day has come back to haunt me.

Throughout my 16 years of life, how am I single?!

I thought I could make debut in high school as the volleyball ace for the team and get all the girls but look at me! I'm still single!

How depressing.

I'm jealous that Aoi can easily get girls. Is it because of his blond hair? My mohawk is blond, does that count?

"Tora!!!" The door slams open and I see my little sister with a megaphone swung around her shoulder. "What are you doing here slacking off for!"

"Akane knock before you enter!" I shout seeing my little sister burst into my room.

Can't she give me some privacy!?

"It's not like you were doing anything anyways," Akane points out then puts her hands on her hips. "When is your match coming?"

"Huh?" I question and she sighs.

"The inter-high preliminaries," Akane clarifies.

"Soon? Why?" I ask.

"I'm going to be there," Akane declares.

"Why!?" I shout.

"The last match you had was so lame. There was barely anyone cheering for your team so this time I'm going to recruit people to come to cheer your team on and teach them how to cheer," Akane states, and I stare at her wide-eyed.

What the hell is she saying??

"You don't need to come. You'll just embarrass me," I try to shoo her away and a vein pops on her head.

"No, I won't! Besides I want to come to watch the match! I love seeing players spike the volleyball up in the air and score a point!" Akane explains.

"I see. Why don't you play volleyball then?" I suggest.

"Nah, I'm not interested in playing. I rather just watch and cheer," Akane admits and I sigh.

Akane is a hard one to persuade once her mind is set, there's no hope in changing it. I'm fine with her cheering but I hope she doesn't go overboard like how she usually does.

"Are there any managers in the team?" Akane asks.

"There are. Two girls. One is a first-year and the other one is the same age as me," I answer.

Akane's eyes twinkle hearing my answer. "Ohh perfect then they can help me! Tora are you dating any of them?"


Nanami is cute but Kuroo would kill me if I showed any interest. Akane is nice but it's weird to like a girl that has the same name as my little sister and not to mention I think she has a thing for Kenma.

Two managers and they're both taken! Can't we have another manager join our team so I can date them!?

"No..." I answer.

Akane looks over to me with a pitiful look on her face. "So lame."

A vein pops on my head. "Get out!" I shout and kick her out of my room.

Akane sticks her tongue. "Fine but don't be surprised if you see me during your practice tomorrow!"

Once she leaves, I facepalm myself. I hope she's joking. I don't want her to come over and embarrass me in front of the team.

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