60. New Year's Eve Festival

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Kenma POV
(New Year's Eve Festival ~ At Night)

After meeting up with the team for the New Year's Festival, we walk around the various stalls that had different games being offered to be played or foods they were selling. Normally, I don't like being in crowded places like this but it's tolerable when I'm with Akane and the team.

As we together side by side, I notice Akane's eyes gleam in excitement when she catches her eyes on a cotton candy machine. "One cotton candy please!" She asks.

"500 yen," the vendor says and Akane starts digging in her pockets for some money but before she could hand over the money to the vendor, I pay for it.

"Eh? You didn't have to pay," Akane says and I shake my head.

"It's fine. It wasn't too expensive," I shrug. "Can I try some though?"

"Sure!" Akane grins.

I take a bite directly on the cotton candy then lick my lips. "It tastes pretty good," I tell her and she blushes.

"K-Kenma! Don't just eat out of the cotton candy like that!" Akane blurts out embarrassed.

"Oh oops," I mumble realizing what I did and my cheeks flush bright pink like the color cotton candy. 

"What's going on here?" A sudden arm comes in between us and our eyes widen. We look up and see an irritated Aoi standing there. "I hope there's nothing going on here." He says with a smile directed at me but his eyes weren't smiling at all.

A vein pops on Akane's head. "Stop it Aoi! Leave Kenma alone," she scolds him and Aoi flinches in shock.

"Aoi don't intimidate him. Kenma did nothing wrong," Yaku sighs as he pulls on the back of Aoi's collar to drag him away.

"Don't be harsh on him Yaku. It'll take time for him to let go of his little sister that easily, it is Aoi after all," Kai chuckles.

"..." Aoi presses his lips deep in thought. He glances over to me conflicted then turns his head away.

After we walk around for a while, I notice the third year that I met a few months ago come running straight to us.

"You all came!" He happily greets us.

"Kumon you're the one who invited us," Yaku bluntly states.

"That's true," Kumon laughs then turns around to show us around their stall. "Ta-dah! Try out our archery stall. Hit the bullseye and get yourself a plushie!" He winks.

"Wow, I didn't think you would do a mini archery range here," Kuroo says in awe and everyone stares wide-eyed at the archery range that the archery team set up here.

"I'm not surprised but I'm impressed by how you got permission to do this," Aoi mumbles as he looks out to the field.

"Thanks! Doing this is the best way to get money!" Kumon excitedly answers with dollar signs in his eyes then hands me a bow and arrow. "Every arrow you shoot is 100 yen and all funds made today will go to the archery team. Good luck!"

Akane and I stare at the bow and arrow in my hands.

How do I even use this?

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