51. Lets Be Paw-sitive

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(Two years ago...)

As I practice with my team, I focus on the target in front of me and get in position. I pull back my bow with the arrow attached but the moment that I let go of the arrow, I lose concentration and miss the target.

"You've been off game lately," one of the second years says surprised to see me miss the target again.

"Hahaha it's Aoi, I'm sure he'll be better by the day of the tournament," a third-year laughs it off. 

"..." I stare at the arrow that I shot. I can't put my full focus on archery knowing that every second that I'm here, my sister is on the hospital bed. I need to be by her side...

After practice, I walk straight to the captain and can see all my teammates watching me from a distance. The captain notices the distressed look on my face. "Aoi what's wrong?" He asks and I bow my head down.

"I don't think I can continue playing anymore," I tell him.

The captain's eyes dilate. "Are you sure? If it's because you don't feel ready for the upcoming tournament. You don't have to play."

"It's not that..." I admit.

"Is it because of your little sister? I heard she's recovering, isn't she?" The captain questions. "There's no need to quit. You can take a break and come back once she's released from the hospital."

"..." I clench my fists.

She isn't recovering.... she can no longer hear because of the accident.

"I'm sorry captain. I lost my passion for archery, I can't continue to play for this team," I lie and walk away.

As I pass by teammates, I can hear them whispering behind my back.

Why did he quit so suddenly before the tournament?

Didn't the captain give him a chance to stay? Why did he turn it down?

Does he think he's better than us?

I hear steps running towards me. I turn around and see Kumon panting for air. "Wait Aoi is it true you're quitting!?"

I look at him surprised, not expecting him to run after me. I bitterly smile. "I am... sorry Kumon."

"But why?" He asks. "You love archery right?"

My eyes dilate. I do love archery but more than that... "I'm sorry. I lost my passion for the sport." I lie again and take my leave.

Kumon was the only one to ask me straight to my face but ever since that day, he never spoke to me again. Rather than being concerned for me, my teammates turn their backs and ignored me anytime I pass by them in the hallways. The feelings that I once held for the team slowly slipped away.

(At the hospital...)

At the same time, Akane was stressed out about wanting to learn how to lip-read and not wanting to take the surgery. Our family was financially struggling to pay the hospital bills and seeing that made her not want to go through the surgery and rehabilitation.

Yet it was more than that. Akane started to believe that if people knew that she was deaf then was going to be judged and pitied for being deaf.

At first, I didn't understand why Akane was afraid of people knowing that she was deaf. But as more people came in to visit her, I realized how painful it was for Akane to deal with them. No one could look her in the eye and only forced a smile hoping she would recover. Yet behind her back, they would gossip and pity her.

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