48. A Leak

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(Earlier this morning...)

After waiting at the station, I board the train and find a seat near the window. I reach into my bag to grab my earbuds and put them in my ears. I turn the music up so I wouldn't have to hear all the chattering noise of the people commuting and gaze out from the window as the train starts to move.

When I came over to Miyu's house to pick her up like I usually do, I didn't see her there. I messaged her that I already arrived but she didn't respond which was unexpected. I waited for about 10 minutes, before giving up and decided to head to school on my own so I wouldn't be late for class.

I check my cellphone again and see the message that I sent to Miyu. The message has been read by her but she never replied back.


She's the type of person to reply the moment that she sees my message. The fact that she viewed the text but didn't say anything back is unusual.

I look back out at the window and sigh. At least I get a break from all of this. I need to start finding a way to break up with Miyu without her exposing that Akane is deaf. I can't let this act of pretending to be her boyfriend last forever.

Once the train stops at my stop, I get out and walk to school in the same direction like I normally do, but for some reason, I feel everyone's gaze at me.

This is not like the secret admirers back when I was on the archery team who took small glances at me but rather they were watching my every move and judging me as if I did something wrong.


Something's not right.

I ignore them and walk ahead. When I reach the front of the school entrance, their stares were getting worse. People were watching me and whispering amongst themselves behind my back as I passed by them.

"Aoi!" I hear someone call out my name.

I turn around and see my former teammates from the archery team waving as they come over to talk to me.

"Morning," I greet but hesitate to say another word after.

Why are they all gathered together? After I quit the team, we never kept in contact ever again, and yet here they were. Acting as if they're buddy-buddy with me even though they turned away from me once I quit the team.

"Aoi we heard what happened..." one of my former teammates says.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, clearly not understanding the situation.

"I heard you broke up with Miyu," he states and I look at him surprised.

"Broke up with Miyu? We didn't break up," I tell them then fold my arms with a displeased look. "Even if we did, it's not your problem. I'll take care of this baseless rumor myself but right now I'm going to class," I try to take my leave but they block my way.

"Aoi we're sorry," they apologize.

"Why are you apologizing?" I question, not knowing how this so-called break-up that they stated would even involve them in the first place. There's no need for them to apologize for anything, yet they all have this guilty and pitiful gaze directed towards me. I narrow my eyes. "What is going on?"

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