59. Playing around

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(Two months later... during lunch)

After the Spring High Preliminaries passed, December comes by along with the time to get ready to prep for college entrance exams. I sit in the library studying with Kuroo while Kai and Yaku were there keeping us company.

I twirl my pencil around and side glance at Kuroo who had a focused look on his face. It amazes me how he manages studying and volleyball practice at the same time, I don't know how he does it.

"You're studying harder than you usually do. What college are you thinking of going to?" I ask.

"The University of Tokyo," Kuroo answers, and I blink surprised.

"Really?" I question. "I thought you would go to a university that specializes in or gives scholarships to players who play volleyball."

"I'm not thinking of playing volleyball after this," Kuroo states with a playful smile.

"Ehhhh how come?" Yaku bursts out asking and Kai looks to Kuroo curious as well about his answer.

"I still want a job when it comes to volleyball just not as a player but rather as a member of Japan's volleyball association," Kuroo declares and I tilt my head.

"Japan's volleyball association?" I repeat. "Isn't that hard to get into? They only accept a few people in, don't they?"

Kuroo smirks. "Exactly."

Yaku sighs and leans back on his chair. "It would've been nice if you continue to play but I'm not surprised you would aim for such a position. That in itself is amazing if you get it."

"If? You mean will," Kuroo boldly states.

"So cocky..." I mumble exhausted as I watch Kuroo and Yaku bicker.

Kai laughs. "Knowing him, I'm sure he'll get in." 

Kuroo looks at the three of us. "What about you guys? What are you planning to do after you graduate?"

"Professional volleyball of course," Yaku proudly grins. "I hope to get some offers once they see my skills in the Spring Tournament but if not I'll apply to any colleges famous for their volleyball teams."

Kuroo whistles. "Such confidence. How about you Kai?"

"I'm planning to go to trading school to get a license to be a gardener and arborist," Kai answers.

The three of us imagine him with a pair of garden scissors then a chainsaw in his hands. "..." A sweatdrop falls behind the back of our heads.

"I never expected that from you Kai but as long as you enjoy the job then that's all that matters," Yaku says then turns to me. "Now what about you Aoi?"

"Honestly I'm not sure what I want to do yet but I'll probably apply to a couple of universities nearby and take the best one," I admit.

Kuroo nudges my arm. "Apply to the University of Tokyo with me. We can be roommates."

"That sounds like a nightmare," I bluntly state then sigh. "But I'll probably apply to the school anyways, Alisa told me that it's a good school to attend."

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