64. Onwards

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Kenma POV
(One week later after Spring High Tournament ~ At the gym)

Today is the last day that the third years will be here for volleyball practice as members of the team. It feels weird knowing that they're graduating and are heading off to college. It's not like it's we'll never see them again... but I've grown attached to the team without realizing it.

"Alright everyone gather around," Coach Nekomata calls out to everyone after practice and we gather around in a circle. "Today is the last day for the third years to be here with us." He turns to Kuroo, Yaku, and Kai. "There are many things that I'll like to say but let me say simplify it to a few words," he smiles. "As your coach, I would like to thank you for joining this team and touching the lives of these younger ones. I hope you three will have a wonderful future in front of you."

Kuroo's, Yaku's, and Kai's eyes widen. They bow their heads. "Thank you for coaching us."

We all bow our heads alongside the third years. "Thank you for coaching us!" We shout.

Coach Nekomata laughs. "There's no need to thank me, I was only telling the truth. Being able to coach your team has been a great experience for me. Thank you." He looks over to us, second and first years. "If you don't mind, would you give your farewells to them and announce who the captains will be for this upcoming generation."

Kuroo quickly rubs his eyes, probably because of the tears that were starting to form, and looks to the team. "Of course, the three of us were planning on saying our farewells and announcing the captains for this team today."

I glance around and notice everyone holding back their tears. It is the last day that we'll see them in practice. This feeling that I have right now is like the end of the good video game that I'm playing. Memories of being with those three in my first and second year flash through my mind along with the memories I had playing volleyball with Kuroo. I know it's not the end. It's not like they died or anything but I'm going to miss having them around. 

"Without the three of us around, make sure to build up your defense and blocking skills since we're not around anymore." He smiles. "And have confidence in your skills. You are all amazing players so don't ever feel like something is impossible because it isn't."

"Right!" We all shout.

Kai turns to Fukunaga. "Fukunaga, you will be the new vice-captain of this team. Keeping a level head and making sure everyone is on the same page is important. Seeing how you are throughout the years, I'm sure you'll bring this team together as well as assist the captain in times of need."

"Thank you," Fukuanga answers and Kai smiles.

"Now time to announce who the captain will be," Kuroo grins. "Kenma!" He calls out to me and I flinch. "You will take over my position and be captain for this team!"

Wait what? Why me? Why not someone like Yamamoto?

"Can I turn down the position?" I immediately ask and everyone looks at me surprised.

"You know, you're a real pain in the butt sometimes. Take the position," Kuroo says and I frown. 

"I'm just saying that there's probably someone who's more fit for the position. I'm not exactly captain material," I tell him and Kuroo shakes his head.

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