61. Fireworks

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There is a song attached to the chapter if you want to listen to it while reading it. Just thought it would go well with the story :)

Akane POV

"I don't understand what I'm doing wrong?" I question as I stare at my three broken paper nets from my failed attempts to scoop a fish. I knew that using paper nets to catch fish was going to be difficult but not this much.

As Kenma and I were walking around trying different festival games, I found myself interested in goldfish scooping. Yet even though it looks interesting from afar, it wasn't easy. I have already broken three paper nets. I don't think there's any hope for me.

"Kenma how are you—-" my eyes widen when I see Kenma swiftly catching all the goldfish with the paper net into the bowl. "Wow Kenma that's amazing!"

"Not really, once you figure it out. It's quite easy," Kenma says as he scoops a fish then turns to me. "Here try again." He hands me a paper net.

I take the paper net from his hand and he puts his hand over mine. "Try it like this." He instructs and I blush.

"O-Okay!" I answer as I follow his lead.

I watch him easily catch a fish with the net and put it inside the bowl. My eyes gleam in excitement. "Thanks Kenma! You make it look so easy!" I exclaim.

Kenma shrugs. "It's just patience." He says interested in goldfish scooping and I softly smile seeing how excited he was playing.

"Aren't you two an adorable pair?" The vendor of the stall giggles.

My face steams up bright red. This is so embarrassing being called out as a couple. "About that."

"Thanks I'm lucky to have her as my girlfriend," Kenma answers and my mouth drops in shock.

"Aww he's a keeper," the vendor winks. "I'll grab your prizes for all the fish you caught." She says and heads off to get the prizes.

I stare at him wide-eyed and a sweatdrop falls behind the back of Kenma's head. "Why do you look so surprised?"

"Who are you and what have you done with Kenma?" I bluntly state with a blank look at my face.

Kenma shyly scratches the back of his head. "Is it wrong for me to tell people that I'm happy that you're my girlfriend?" He questions then immediately gets embarrassed by his own words.

My eyes dilate and I laugh. "Not at all. I'm glad you're my boyfriend too." I wrap my arms and hug him around his neck.

"Now you're just teasing me," Kenma frowns and I shake my head.

"No really I am," I grin.

After getting our prizes for the goldfish scooping stall, we walk around a little more but I slowly noticed how tired Kenma was after being surrounded in a crowded place like this. Kenma was never really good at being out in places like this. I'm surprised he was willing to come rather than Kuroo forcing him out of his room.

I take Kenma's hand. "Let's go somewhere else," I tell him as I pull him along with me.

"Where to?" Kenma asks confused.

"It's a secret," I wink.

After zooming out of the crowd, I find a nice empty grassy field away from the festival. I stop walking and take a seat on the grass. "Here sit down next to me!" I grin as I pat the spot next to me.

Kenma takes a seat next to me. "Why did you suddenly want to be here?" He asks and I smile.

"You seemed tired of walking around in a crowded place like that so I thought why not take a short break," I explain as I rest my head on his shoulder.

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