29. Lev and Cats

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Hi everyone! My name is Lev Haiba and I'm a first-year in Nekoma High. After some unexpected events at the beginning of the year, I became friends with the boys in Nekoma's boys' volleyball team and decided to join their team.

Although I wasn't able to play during the Interhigh Preliminaries, I had a chance to watch my friends as they did their best to keep up against the top school Itachiyama High.

It was a devastating loss for the team. Even though they tried not to show it, they were frustrated about the result of the match. Yet without conveying any words to each other, they all understood that what they needed to do was improve and move forward to the next matches in Spring.

As of right now, it's been a week since the Inter-High Preliminaries and we have now gone back to practicing again... well for me not at this very moment.

"Here kitty kitty," I call out to the black cat that I recognize to be Akane's cat, in the bushes.

I don't know why he was relaxing over here but I decided that I should bring him back to his owner. 

"Please come over kitty cat," I plead, trying to catch its attention.

The cat looks at me then turns its head to the side.

A sweatdrop falls behind the back of my head. I didn't know animals could be so mean.

"Lev what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in practice?" I hear a familiar voice and turn around to see Akane standing there.

"I found one of your cats here," I tell her and gesture over to the black cat chilling down on the bushes.

"Oh it's Kuroko, what are you doing here?" Akane says as she opens her arms and the cat goes into Akane's arms.


I feel rejected.

"Thanks for finding him. All my cats ran off somewhere so I need to go find them now," Akane says with a sigh.

"You don't seem so worried," I question, and Akane shrugs.

"When I first took them out I was but they always come back so I don't normally worry as much," Akane admits and glances at her cellphone to check the time. "But normally they would be back by now."

"Do you need help?" I offer and Akane shakes her head.

"I can find them myself," Akane proudly says and goes behind me then pushes me forward. "However as manager, I need to bring you to practice so you won't be late."

"Haha you don't need to push me, I can walk by myself," I laugh then turn around to face her, but Akane tumbles when I turn and I quickly catch her.

"Lev. Don't suddenly turn like that, it caught me off guard," Akane scolds as she looks up to me with a pout.

My cheeks flush bright red, realizing how close she was to me and I quickly push her away. "Umm did you raise all those cats by yourself?" I ask as I try to keep myself calm.

"Not exactly, Kenma helped me too," Akane answers, and my eyes widen.

"Really!?" I question trying to imagine Kenma take care of the cats and Akane nods her head.

"When Kenma and I were first years, we found these cats back when they were kittens and took care of them together," Akane explains. "I take of them mostly now but every once in a while he'll come to check up on them or I'll bring them over for him to see it."

"Wow! You two are really close huh?" I ask and Akane laughs.

"I guess so, I feel like he's closer to Kuroo since they're childhood friends, but..." a gentle smile forms on her face. "I'm glad that I was able to become friends with him. I wouldn't be the person that I am today if it wasn't for him."

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