S9. Aoki Kozume

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Aoki Kozume POV
(17 Years Later ~ At Kozume Household)

Like the usual weekend, I try to spend it playing video games by myself like the hermit that I am. Yet without an invite, my cousin and childhood friends decide to barge into my house to persuade me to play volleyball with them.

Unfortunately, their lousy attempt to drag me into a game of volleyball ends up with them placing a bet that if they win a round of Smash Bros then I'll play volleyball with them.

"Aoki please go easy on me!" My cousin, Alec, pleads as he tightly holds onto the game controller.

"Nope that would defeat the purpose of playing the game," I bluntly answer as I punch his character and watch it plummet to the lava then die.

Game over. Oki-chii wins!

"Noooo!" Alec cries out in despair and I pump my fist seeing my character win this round.

"Hey can we play volleyball now? We've been playing video games for the past hour that I'm getting a headache just from looking at the screen," my childhood friend, Tetsuya Kuroo, says while casually laying down on my bed as he scrolls through his cellphone.

"Don't we play volleyball every day in the gym? Can't we have a break just one day?" I sigh.

"But volleyball is fun!" Alec exclaims and I stare at him with a deadpan look.

"Says the athletic one who does volleyball and archery," I mumble under my breath.

Tetsuya chuckles. "Aoki. Touch some grass will ya? A little bit of fresh air would be good for you, you know," He teases and I roll my eyes.

I notice my other childhood friend and Tetsuya's little sister, Nori, fumbling over how to use the controller as she tries to play a round of Smash Bros against Alec. I notice the frustrated look on her face and the tip of my lips turn up. "Do you need help Nori?" I ask as I scoot closer to her. "You should try using the A+X+Y combo to use your character's special move for the faster kill," I advise as I show her the buttons.

"Ohhh I see..." Nori mimics the same combo that I used and kills Alec's character.

"Hey that's cheating!" Alec angrily shouts and I stick my tongue out.

"I-I mean we did it! Thanks Aoki!" Nori happily says then she looks up and blushes bright red seeing how close I was to her.

I chuckle. "No problem. If you ever need my help, let me know."

"Ugh. Get a room you two," Tetsuya complains after listening to us. "You guys are always like this just date already."

"..." I try to keep a straight face but my ears flush bright red hearing his words.

"D-Date!?" Nori blurts out embarrassed. "I--"

"Nori's like a little sister to me," I state so Nori wouldn't feel uncomfortable and she suddenly becomes frozen stiff.

"..." Alec stares at me with a deadpan look.

"Pffft... sibling-zoned Pfft hahaha," Tetsuya rolls on the bed laughing his ass off and Nori pulls on his ear. "Owww!" He cries out.

The door knocks and my mom comes in with some snacks. "You all sounds like you're having fun playing." My mom says then notices the volleyball on the ground and picks it up. She looks to me then puts it close to my face. "Aoki go play outside with your friends after eating these snacks, alright?" My mom threatens with a smile.

"But it's the week—" before I could finish my sentence, my mom interrupts me.

"Aoki if not, I will turn off the wifi tonight," my mom mercilessly states not changing the expression on her face.

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