36. More Than A Friend

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Akane POV
(At Cafeteria)

As I'm sitting down and looking at the nice pictures that Sakura took in the boys' volleyball practice today, Nanami suddenly taps me on my shoulder. 

"Ummm Akane, Kuroo is calling for you," Nanami tells me and I look around the cafeteria.

"He did?" I question not seeing him anywhere in the cafeteria. "I don't see him around."

Nanami's eyebrow twitches in realization. "I mean he told me that he wants to meet with you again to talk to you about something important."

"Something important?" I repeat and she nods her head. I look at Nanami skeptically. "I see... if that's the case where is he?"

"He said at the left corner of the building near the entrance," Nanami answers. 

"Okay then," I put Sakura's camera down. "I'll be back."

I take my leave and head to where Nanami told me to go. Nanami seemed a bit off. I wonder why?

It does make sense that Kuroo wants to see me. I was the one who started talking to him earlier so he might have wanted to see me to check up on me but the way Nanami was acting is making me second guess myself.


The moment that I arrived to meet up spot. I expected to see Kuroo but instead I see Lev nervously standing there.

"Lev?" I call out to him and he flinches.

"Akane?" Lev blurts out startled.

"Yep," I answer. "What are you doing here?"

"Hahaha," Lev awkwardly laughs. "Well about that..." his face flushes bright red. "I-I like you Akane! Can you be my girlfriend?" He confesses.

"Lev..." I look at him and bow my head. "I'm... I'm sorry. I'm happy to hear your feelings for me but I don't see you in that way. To me you're like a little brother." I apologize.

"Little brother huh?" Lev sadly smiles. "You must really like Kenma?"

I nod my head. "I do... but Lev why did you confess if you already knew?"

"Because I wanted you to know my feelings no matter what," Lev says and grins. "More than anything I want you to be happy Akane."

My eyes widen. "Lev...I—"

I feel a sudden tug on my shoulder and turn to see a panic look on Kenma's face.

"Kenma-!" We both blurt out surprised.

Kenma turns to Lev. "I need to talk to Akane real quick," he says as he takes me hand and quickly pulls me away.

"Kenma what's going? Where are we going?" I ask and he doesn't turn around.

"..." I never seen Kenma so agitated. What made him like this?

Kenma POV
(10 minutes before...)

After taking a shower, I lay down on my futon and think about Alisa's words.

No one is perfect and maybe we can never reach their expectations on being their ideal person that our loved one sees us as but that's ok. That's why you have each other to support one another so you can grow as individuals together.

Besides if they truly love you then they'll love you no matter what.

I stare at the ceiling and smash a pillow on my face.

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