28. Close Match

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As everyone in the Nekoma's cheer squad cheers on the team, I intently watch the match between the two teams on the courts.

I don't know much about volleyball but from hearing the nearby people talk about their opponents, Itachiyama, and seeing them in play, I can tell that they're having a tough time.

Itachiyama apparently has a top-ranked volleyball player on their team. Just from knowing that, I'm sure their team isn't just an average team.

Nekoma probably knew how much of a challenge they are and lost the first set because they weren't used to their opponents' gameplay.

However it seems like now they're getting the hang of their gameplay on the second set and are slowly catching up.

Even so, they're quite behind in points.

What a challenging team to go against...

I sigh then slouch back on my seat with my arms folded as I watch them play from the stands. Seeing how they're fighting for every point reminds me of the days when I used to be in the archery team during middle school and my first year in Nekoma.

Back when I was on the archery team, I was fighting to get every point on my own. Volleyball and archery are different in the perspective that archery is solely an independent sport while volleyball is a team sport.

Ironically the only thing that makes archery a team sport is the fact that they collectively take each player's points to tally up the winning score for the school.

Yet even though there were times that I struggled, I never hated the sport. I had a passion for it was known as a good archer on the field. My coach and the team believed that I would like to carry them to the top.

Yet after Akane's accident, I lost all the passion that I had. I couldn't hold my bow and arrow because every time I would position myself to shoot the target, I would be reminded of that day.

As a result, I quit and the people I was once friends with turned their backs on me.

It didn't matter though. I don't regret my choice of quitting yet... watching Nekoma's boy volleyball team play together like that makes me wish that I could've done the same with my friends.

"But even so... she's happy," I mumble to myself as I look over to my little sister who was sitting on the bench next to Coach.

I don't regret the fact that I stopped archery to take care of my sister. I was concerned for her well-being and that was more important to me than archery.

Seeing now how she made friends with the boys' volleyball team and trusted them with her secret.

I'm glad that she took the first step and brought herself out of her shell.

After all, her happiness is my happiness.

"Aoi what were you thinking about?" Alisa asks me, noticing that I was deep into thought.

"Just thinking about the past," I admit.

"Past?" Alisa tilts her head confused.

"Well I used to be in the archery team so when I see them trying their hardest, it reminds me of those times," I admit but avoid mentioning anything about Akane.

"Archery! That's so cool!" Alisa praises and I shake my head.

"Not really. I just shot arrows on a target," I admit.

"I think those guys on the courts are the cool ones. Giving it their all and working together as a team. I'm sort of jealous." I praise with an envious smile.

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