43. Applepi Channel

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Akane POV
(A few days later...)

With a few more days before the next training camp meet-up, there has always been something on my mind ever since the gaming competition. Most of the competitors who were invited have live-stream their gameplay with their viewers before.

Kenma, however, hasn't host a live stream before but he should try it out! It sounds like fun and I'm sure many people will watch him!

As Kenma and I walk home together after volleyball practice, I go a little ahead then stop right in front of him. "Kenma are you free this weekend?"

"I'm free," Kenma answers, and I grin.

"Do you want to live stream together?" I suggest.

Kenma blinks surprised. "Eh? Livestream?"

I nod my head. "Yeah! Shibayama and Inuoka told me about it while we were watching you compete in the gaming tournament. I never knew about it before but doesn't it sound exciting to show your gaming skills to all your viewers live!"

Kenma awkwardly scratches the back of his head. "Even so, I'm not interesting enough to entertain my viewers."

I shake my head. "That's a lie! You're definitely interesting Kenma! I would watch all your streams and videos if I could," I praise.

Kenma lightly blushes. "Really?"

"Of course! Besides if you feel nervous or have nothing to talk about with the viewers then you could rely on me! I'll be with you when you're streaming so you won't be doing this all by yourself," I happily tell him. "Ohhh should I bring the cats over too? They haven't seen you in a while and miss you."

Kenma chuckles. "Sure."

"Hehehe, I'm so excited!" I enthusiastically say as I pump my fist up in the air. "We should post the live stream on your channel too. Just in case, some people can't watch it because they're busy."

"That's true," Kenma says as he takes out his cellphone. "Maybe we can get an estimate of the number of people watching..." he mumbles as he starts typing.

"What are you writing about?" I ask curiously.

"I'm making a poll to see how many followers would watch the live stream," Kenma states and posts the poll.

My eyes widen as I watch votes for the poll pop up on his cellphone crazy fast. "Woah Kenma how many followers do you have?!"

"Around 200k followers," Kenma answers.

"200k followers! That's so cool! You're so popular Kenma," I praise.

"Not really," Kenma timidly says.

I giggle and take his hand then swing it up in between us. A gentle smile forms on my face. "Popular or not. Never forget that I'm your biggest fan because you're the boy that I love."

Kenma's eyes widen and his cheeks flush bright red. He intertwines his hand with mine but shyly turns his head to the side too embarrassed to answer.

(The Next Day ~ In the Morning)

I wake up early in the morning and bring all the cats together to take over to Kenma's house. As I tie my shoes, I notice Aoi's shoes missing.

"..." I stare at the empty space.

Aoi has always been with Miyu that I haven't seen him at home in so long. He would leave early in the morning and would come back home late. Whenever I asked him where he went, he would tell me that he was with Miyu and end the conversation there.

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