62. Gravity

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Kenma POV
(First Day of Spring High Tournament ~ At night)

As I lean out to the balcony with a can of hot chocolate in my hand, my cellphone vibrates. I check it out to see a text message from Shoyo and read it.

<Kenma! Win tomorrow's game so we can finally have that match!>

<Same. Don't lose now Shoyo.> I reply.

I put my cellphone away and chuckle. The time is almost there. If we win tomorrow's match against Sarukawa Tech then we can play against Karasuno.

"Kenma what are you laughing about?" Akane greets me with a small wave.

"Just a message from Shoyo," I tell her.

"That's right, if you win the match tomorrow then you'll play them," Akane states, and I nod my head.

Akane grins. "You know compared to when I first met you, it looks like you're having fun with volleyball."

"Do I?" I question her in disbelief.

Akane blinks surprised. "Why are you looking at me like you don't believe me?"

I sigh. "Earlier I happened to see the third years while I was getting hot chocolate and I overheard Kuroo talking to Yaku and Kai about he felt bad for dragging me into volleyball," I explain. "I straight up told them that if I didn't like volleyball then I would've quit but it's not like I love the sport like them either," I admit. "I'm not like Shoyo with a huge drive to play the game, I'm just staying in the team because I want to."

"Hmm... You don't need to overthink it Kenma. I don't think you need to have an inspiring reason to play," Akane says then smiles. "I think that if you have fun playing then that's all you need and I see that when you're with the team."

My eyes widen and I chuckle. "I don't know if you remember but you once told me back when we were first years that volleyball might become important to me in the future and that if I stay with the team I'll come to see that," I reminiscence and Akane's eyes dilate. "I admit that I don't like working out until I'm all out of breath or getting all sweaty, but I don't mind becoming a better player alongside them." I turn to Akane. "I'm glad that I took your advice and stayed with the team still. Thanks Akane."

Akane's eyes water and she quickly wipes the tears from her face. "Kenma don't say something sentimental with a gentle expression like that!" She scolds and I let out a laugh. She puffs her cheeks and pout. "Besides how can you still remember what I told you that long ago?"

"How can I forget?" I playfully smile and Akane blushes.

"You're so oblivious at times Kenma," Akane mumbles embarrassed.

Akane POV
(Next Day - Nekoma v.s. Sarukawa Tech)

Set 1
Score 22-18

In the middle of the match, Nekoma calls for a break. As the team comes together, I hand water bottles and towels to all of them.

"So, their plan of attack is to wear Kenma out huh?" Kuroo says scratching his chin.

"How does that work?" Lev questions.

"Ugh. Can't someone come up with a secret win-quick plan that's easy and fast so I won't work up a sweat?" Kenma angrily complains.

"Well, that's a dumb thing to say," Kuroo says surprised by the words coming out from his mouth.

"Kenma actually said something stupid," Yamamoto adds completely stunned by Kenma's personality change.

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