8. Notify Big Bro

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Akane POV
(After school- Heads to Aoi's classroom)

Bell Ring* Bell Ring* Bell Ring*

Once class ends, I sprint out and head to Aoi's class to tell him about how I'm staying after school for being a girl's manager. Even if he knows I'm a girls manager he told me to text him anyways but my cellphone ran out of batteries. I'm heading to the class so he won't kill me. After all it's better to tell him then not tell him at all.

I zoom pass the hallways to the third year building to find him studying by himself. "Aoi-nii!!!" I shout and I slam his classroom door open. He falls over his seat in surprise and Kuroo laughs while Yaku has an uncertain look on his face seeing Aoi's reaction as they come over to see the commotion.

"Akane what is?" Aoi asks me as he gets back on his seat.

"I going to head to the gym for volleyball to be a girls manager!" I tell him pumping my fist and he sighs.

"You could have just texted me, I would have just stayed after school and study in the the library," Aoi says and I shake my head.

"I can't my cellphone ran out of batteries," I tell him.

"Akane," he shakes his head in disbelief. "You have to always charge your cellphone remember. It's your responsibility," he scolds and I nod my head. Compared to others my age, who would use their cellphone to call, text, or for social media, I would use my cellphone for emergency texting my family and friends, but mostly as a flashlight just in case it gets dark.

Ever since I losing my hearing, the darkness became something I deeply fear. When it's dark and I lose my sense of vision and can no longer see... That's when I feel useless for not being able to lip read... That's when I realize how different I am compared to others.

"Sorry~" I bow my head down for an apology and feel a pat on my head. It didn't feel like Aoi's so when I went up I saw that it was Yaku's.

"It's okay Akane, it's not your fault." Yaku grins, " Your brother is so overprotective with you." I turn to Aoi, who's madly blushing.

"Tch. Of course I am you're my little sister," he says covering his red face. I smile hearing his words, last year I would have taken the words Yaku just said offensively thinking that it was pity, but not any more. I know my brother cares for me.

"Besides, you can just use our phones," Kuroo. smirks and they both show me their cellphones, "after practice just tell one of us you need it and we'll hand it over just to make Big loving Onii-chan happy~" He purrs and Aoi grabs his face.

"Never call me Big loving Onii-chan again," he says squeezing his head harder and harder to the point it might explode.

"Aoi you can stop, I know Kuroo's provocation expert, but you need to keep calm. You two have been like this for two years already," Yaku says with a sigh.

"It's just a loving relationship~" Kuroo coos and Aoi just face palms himself from hearing Kuroo's words.

"Kuroo you need to change and go get yourself a girlfriend or something," Aoi mumbles and Kuroo smirks.

"Ha. Sure I would love to find an innocent girl to mess with," He says and the three of us give him a deadpan expression. "You three weren't thinking something dirty now were you?" He seriously questions.

"...." The three of us turn our heads to the right avoiding his gaze.

"Seriously~" he says and we turn our heads the other way.

Oh 'change' that just reminds me of something I want to ask Kuroo something! I turn back to Kuroo. "Kuroo why did Kenma dye his hair so suddenly?" I ask him.

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