1. The Fateful Encounter

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There are some characters that you might not know, to have a better understanding you can read my other Haikyuu stories, but you don't have to. All my Haikyuu Fanfiction Series stories relate with each other.

Please Enjoy :D
Akane POV

"This is Nekoma High," I gawk at the new high school that's in front of me. I haven't gone to a real life school for years, it's so big and crowd.... so kawaii!!! I stop to stare at everything I see, the gym, the lockers, even the bathrooms. I miss any kind of school environment!!!

"Is this the chance I have been waiting for... to have a real high school life!" I inhale the somewhat fresh air of the school. This is my new start ever since then. I can make this a great 1st year. I happily grin as I think of all the endless fantasies and feel a tug on my arm. I turn to see my older brother running to catch up with me.

"Akane, make sure you don't get lost," my brother mouths the words as he tightly grips my hand in worry.

I nod my head in excitement."I promise and Aoi -nii don't worry about me," I give him a wide smile and go off on my own. I want to be independent, like a cat who don't follow anyone, but themselves. I go off and take my own little tour of the school campus without my older brother....I don't want to be a burden to him or anyone else.

With sunlight shining down on me, today is the perfect day to take a small stroll around the school. Aoi-nii has always spoke about how this school would be a great place for me start fresh. I can just imagine myself now just coming into class, everyone sitting down ready to learn, and trying to make the normal kid.

(Akane's fantasy)

"Class who's ready to learn?" The teacher asks the class.

"We are!" Everyone cheerfully says.

"Now let's start with Akane is she here?" The teacher scans the classroom and finds me sitting now ready to hear what he has to say.

"I'm here" I answer. Everyone looks at me with sparking eyes.

"Akane that's a pretty name," Girl A compliments.

"I love your hair," Girl B says and Girl C nod her head.

"Then let's be friends," I chuckle as the girls come over to see me.

"Okay let's ---"

(Back to reality)

Daydreaming while walking isn't safe. I bump into a bunch of girls clump together discussing about something. I didn't think that the collision between the two of us would be that bad because the girl fell down to the floor. The girls around her begin muttering words that I couldn't hear.

Knowing that this is probably my fault I try to apologize. "I'm sorry," I bow my head down, but the girls seem like they don't accept it.

They all form a circle as I'm force to be in the center of it. My hands tremble as the girls shout all at the same time, but I couldn't keep up with their lips. I just want to shout that I can't hear them when they surround me like this. My throat is dry as no voice is able to get out to say something. Fear overwhelms me... I can't do anything. I stand there not knowing what to do, but the girls soon disperse and standing in front of me is my brother.

"Akane! I thought you could have kept yourself from trouble! What just happened there!" My brother shouts at me and does sign language at the same time knowing I probably can't fully understand him. "Maybe it isn't time for you to go back to school." He drags my arm, but I don't move.

"...How would you know..." I mutter. "HOW WOULD YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS NOT BEING ABLE TO HEAR!!!" I didn't know how loud I shouted, but no one was around to hear what was happening between me and my brother. Aoi-nii lips quiver knowing that he couldn't say anything back and loosens his grip on me.

I always try to hide it. I already knew the horrid fact that the world I live in is silence. The girls, they were angry and they were all talking so fast, I understood how they felt, but I can't read their lips. I understand how my brother is trying to protect me, but I can't ever be 100% sure what he's even trying to convey. All I can understand is the movement of lips and a person's facial expression.

"I need to be alone right now," I pull out of my brother's grip and walk away. I need to stay calm. No matter how much I can't hear... I need to stay cool in order to understand anyone. Normally people calm down through sounds like music and just the birds chirping... However I can't hear it. I can only replay the sounds from my memory.

I end up walking to a part of the school that older brother has never shown me. I really shouldn't be here. As I'm about to leave, I notice a cardboard box next to a tree. I go over and look at the 4 baby kittens inside the box. These kittens that were abandoned and left behind. Tears begin to fall on my face, but I quickly wipe it off my face. I pick one of them up. "You're the same too, being all alone just wanting someone to be your friend." I cuddle to little kitten in my hands.

If there is such thing as a God then I only have one wish. Please give me a friend that will never leave my side.

Right after that wish, I feel a rush of wind as a shadow falls on top of me. I stand up to see a black hair boy with cat eyes holding cartons of milk in his hands. It is my first year in high school that I meet up with the person that made me hear the sounds that I thought were gone in my life. Our first encounter together.

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