17. Meeting New Friends

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Akane POV

As the three of us looked around for Kenma, my mind began to swirl in a wave of panic. Just the thought that Aoi might have told Kenma the truth scares me. I know I told myself that it would be fine to tell him but I didn't properly think out the possible outcomes.

What should I do if he realizes that I'm deaf and everything I did was a lie to hide the truth about myself?

I'm scared. I'm scared if Kenma will see me differently. I just hope Aoi didn't tell him anything unnecessary.

I take in a deep breath then exhale out.

I look around to check if Nanami and Kuroo were anywhere nearby but it seems like they went off to search for Kenma. I sigh. What a relief. I need to take a break and relax.

If I were to get an emotional breakdown here, then I won't be able to rationally think.

I walk around the area and find a nice spot to relax. I lean my back to the tree and open the cat carrier that I've been carrying around so the cats could also take a break along with me.


The wind lightly blows and I look up at the clear sky. Even though today is such a nice day, it feels empty. There is no sound, only silence. The only way to close this void is to fill it in with the memories of the sounds that are attached to it back when I used to be able to hear.

On a day like this, I'm sure the birds are probably chirping but I can only imagine the sounds that they could make. It's depressing how reality can be so harsh at times to even the most mundane things.

Rustle Rustle

The bushes suddenly begin to move and my eyes widen.

Huh? Is someone there? Is it Nanami and Kuroo or maybe even Kenma?

I look up and see a girl with black long hair looking at me with a surprised expression on her face.

How long was she there? I hope she didn't call me out or anything... It doesn't matter, I just have to act natural or else I might give off the wrong impression.

"Hi!" I greet and stand up to pat the dirt off my clothes. "I'm Akane Yoshina." I introduce myself with a wide smile on my face. "What's your name?"

"Natsuki Tsukiyomi," she simply answers.

That name doesn't sound familiar at all.

"Do you know Kuroo, Nanami, or Kenma?" I ask.

"Sorry I don't know who they are," Natsuki apologizes.

Well I guess I can relax a little since she's a complete stranger then.

"Meow~" all my cats purr as they move towards Natsuki in curiosity.

My eyes widen. They normally aren't that friendly with strangers. That's quite unexpected.

The black hair boy that was standing beside Natsuki moves back from the cats that cuddle close to her.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Kageyama," he answers.

The tips of my lips playfully turn up. "I see," I take Mei into my arms and put her in front of Kageyama's face. Kageyama flinches and I giggle. "I guess someone's scared of cats." I tease.

"I-I'm not scared of them!" Kageyama shouts.

I watch Mei freak out after seeing his angry face and scratch him on the cheek.

"O-Owww! W-What the hell was that?! That c-c-cat!" He yells.

"Pffft. Hahahaha!" Natsuki falls to ground laughing hard from the scene that just happened and I let out a laugh myself.

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