S1. Akane in Wonderland

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~Falling for the Mad Hatter~

*(In this special story, Akane can hear. She is not deaf)*

Once upon a time in Nekoma High, there was a second-year student by the name of Akane Yoshina who was rumored to be a strange, aloof girl by the people around her. Because of the false rumors, no one wanted to get themselves involved with her and she didn't bother to get close to them. Akane had grown numb to the feeling of being alone and felt like that was how her entire life was going to be until today.

During lunch, Akane relaxes at a nearby tree and eats her lunch by herself. As she eats, she notices a shadow cast down on her. She looks up to see her older brother, Aoi, standing in front of her concerned.

"Akane what are you doing here?" Aoi asks.

"Taking a lunch break," Akane nonchalantly answers as takes a bite of her onigiri.

"...Akane do you want do eat with me?" Aoi offers.

Akane looks off from a distance and sees Aoi's friend, Kumon, waiting for him. "It's fine," she forces a smile. "You eat with your friend. I don't want to be a bother."

Aoi's eyes widen. "Akane, don't think like that. I'm worried about you. I don't want to see you all by yourself because of the rumors."

Akane stands up and grabs her brother's shoulders then turns him around. "Forget about me Aoi. Have fun~" she tells him and pushes him away.

Seeing how insistent his little sister was, Aoi decided to leave her by herself but before he does. He leaves her with a quiet parting. "There are people out there that you'll want to be your friends so don't push those people away."

Once Aoi leaves, Akane sighs then softly falls on the grass and looks up to the sky. "People who I want to be friends with... I can't imagine." She mumbles then closes her eyes as she falls into a long slumber.


"Oh no! At this rate, I'm going be late!"

Akane hears a loud cry and her eyes flutter open. She sees a tall gray hair boy wearing a white tuxedo suit with rabbit ears. "Eh?" She rubs her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing those bunny ears on his head.

Is he cosplaying as a white rabbit or something?

The rabbit man panics as he looks at his pocket watch. "What am I going to do? I have to hurry before the King of Hearts will cut my head!"

"Excuse me. Do you need help?" Akane asks.

He turns around his eyes widen. "Oh yes I do! I tried to make a circle on the ground but it didn't work!"

"A circle?" Akane questions and he nods his head as he takes out a piece of chalk.

"Yes. I tried to draw a circle to enter into Wonderland but my circle was not good enough to open a hole," he sighs in disappointment.

"I can try to help," Akane offers.

"Really! That would be great!" He happily says as he hands her the chalk. "What's your name?"

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