21. By Her Side

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Kenma POV
(A few days later...)

I sit down next to Akane as she lets the cats out to play in the morning. I pull out a feather teaser cat toy from the cat toy bag and let the cats play with it.

As I play with the cats, I glance over to her direction as she happily watches me interact with the cats and quickly turn my gaze back to the cats.

"Kenma, if have something to ask just ask," Akane states with a small smile and I look back at her surprised. "We haven't seen each other since the training camp and I'm sure you have questions to ask, so now that it's just the two of us, feel free to."

"I can't hide anything from you huh," I say and let out an exasperated sigh.

"You really can't but I'm not any better," Akane grins.

I purse my lips. "Akane, how long have you been deaf for?"

Akane's smile falters. "I guess for about two to three years? It felt so long since the last time I heard a sound that I'm not even sure."

"I see..." I mumble as I make Cho jump for the cat toy. "Even though you're deaf, how do you understand everything I'm saying?"

"Lip-reading," Akane answers as pets Nekota's head and he purrs. "I also learned sign language too just in case but I don't use it often since most people don't know sign language except for Aoi."

"What do you prefer?" I ask.

"Honestly I prefer lip-reading," Akane says as she lays back and looks up at the sky. "It makes me feel normal."


I notice Mei who was laying down on the grass nearby and carry her. I put her face in front of Akane's face.

Akane's eyes widen. "Gah!" She gets back up startled. "W-What was that for?!"

"Normal is boring," I bluntly tell her and she blinks surprised.

"Hah?" She blurts out confused.

"It's no fun if everyone is the same," I straightforwardly tell her. "Like a video game, I hate playing the same type of storyline over and over but playing a game with a unique plot makes things interesting." I point out.

"A game? Pfft. Never thought I would hear this kind of advice coming from you but at the same time it's so you," Akane says and bursts out laughing.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I question slightly bothered but seeing her laugh at ease, brings a sheepish smile on my face.

"You really know how to make my day, don't you Kenma?" Akane happily grins.

I chuckle. "I could say the same. It's always fun to be around you."

Akane stares at me speechless and blushes. "You're so sly Kenma," she mumbles so quietly that I couldn't hear her words.

"... Akane are you ever going to tell the team the truth?" I ask.

"Honestly I'm not sure," Akane says and goes deep into thought. "I was about to tell Nanami the truth a few days ago but... I hesitated." Her voice falters. "Kenma. I enjoy being the manager for the team but things will change if I told them right?"

"I'm not sure... but the people in the team, they're good people," I reassure her.

"I know they are but I still have this lingering fear that they'll reject me and will treat me differently," Akane says worriedly.

I pat her on the head. "It's okay. Take your time. I'm sure they accept you no matter what."

Akane looks into my eyes and lightly holds onto my shirt sleeve. For the first time, I look directly into her light blue eyes that reflect the same color as the clear blue sky.

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