31. Study Night

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Akane POV
(In Kozume's household - 7 pm)

I nervously stand in front of Kenma's house after knocking at his front door. I wonder if I'll be mentally prepared to study with Kenma. Normally I wouldn't even be thinking like this. I've been to his house before and even though I have a crush on him, I was never this nervous around him.

Yet ever since the conversation I had with Kuroo yesterday, I haven't gotten over his words. He basically gave his blessings to me which was unexpected coming from him. I know that I haven't let my feelings for Kenma show that easily but I guess Kuroo figured it out on his own.

If you like him, let him know before someone takes him away or else you'll end up regretting it. 


Kuroo is right.

Kenma and I are friends now but what will happen in the future when we graduate, will we still be close friends like we are now? What if Kenma meets a girl that he likes? What will happen to our friendship then?

The door unlocks and I quickly regain my composure.

Today I should tell Kenma how I feel about him. I don't want to regret not telling him how I feel about him. Whether he accepts me or rejects me. I will face forward and take it. We will be friends no matter what happens.

"Akane!" Kenma's mom greets me first thing when she opens the door for me. "How's your day been?"

"It's been good," I smile. "I hope the same goes for you too." 

Kenma's mom grins. "Definitely! Any day you come over is a good day. I'm always surrounded by boys so when you're here I can't help but be happy. You're like a daughter that I love to spoil."

"L-like a daughter," I stammer embarrassed.

"Of course but it would be nice if I could actually take you in as my actual daughter," Kenma's mom sighs. "You're the only girl that Kenma ever talks about and seeing how you're such a nice girl, I would like---"

"Mom what are you doing?" Kenma interrupts.

"Oh Kenma I was wondering where you were, you can't leave a girl waiting for too long," his mom smiles then turns to me. "Akane would you like some snacks?"

"Sure," I tell her and she grins.

"Great I'll bring some snacks to your room Kenma," Kenma's mom says pushing the two of us upstairs.

"W-Wait--" before Kenma could say anything, we're both dumped into Kenma's room by his mom.

Kenma awkwardly scratches the back of his head. "Sorry about that. My mom always gets excited when she sees you."

"Hahaha it's okay. It's been awhile since I last saw her," I reassure him and take out my notes. "Anyways let's go ahead and study!"

"Ok," Kenma says and we both take a seat down. "Have you been studying?"

"Sort of... not really," I admit.

More like my thoughts have been scattered and I haven't gotten anywhere.

"Did you?" I ask.

"I did but I still have to go through the concepts again to get a better idea on it," Kenma says as he takes his notes.

I clap my hands together. "Do you think you can explain to me any questions that I need help on?" I plead.

Kenma chuckles. "Sure, I'm not as good as your brother but I'll do what I can."

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