65. It started with Cats

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There is a song attached to the chapter if you want to listen to it while reading it. It's sung by Kenma's JP voice actor, Yuki Kaiji. I love his voice actor so much! His voice is just the best T^T !
Akane POV
(One Year Later)

"What do you think of the season finale and the whole series so far?" I ask as I meet up with the popular manga writer, Mihane Iwasaki, after showing her what will be aired in the upcoming week. "If there is anything you would like to change or adjust please let me know."

One year ago, I was given permission to direct the J drama, Broken. The manga was a widely popular shounen, romance, and sports manga that was about a young girl who made a promise to her childhood friend to become the top setters in the nation together. The adversities and challenges she had to deal as well as how relatable she was caught the attention of readers. As a result, the manga was a hit and was released as a J- drama with me as the director in charge.

"You did quite well. You didn't miss any details that I wrote and captured the emotions that wouldn't be expressed as well just on paper," Mihane admits as she rewinds a few scenes to check on them again then grins. "I'm glad I chose you as director, you're as amazing as I expected."

"Thanks for the praise but all I do is direct as the director for this movie. The true performance goes to the actors and the beautiful story you created," I compliment her and she blushes.

"Oh you're making me blush Akane," Mihane shyly says. "Besides making Broken become an anime after the J drama adaption. I'm currently working on my new piece, Brilliance, which aligns with this J-drama series you are working on now. I would love for you to direct this if Broken becomes popular."

"Thank you. I'll love to take the challenge again," I confidently tell her.

"Great!" Mihane smiles. "But if you ever feel like it's too much to handle just let me know. I heard from your staff that you've been going to therapy for hearing after work so I don't want to give you too much."

"It's fine," I reassure her. "I finish my last therapy session two weeks ago so don't worry about me. I'm back to my usual self!" I reassure her as I flex my arms and she giggles.

After our meeting together, I walk back to my house and think about everything that I had to deal with the past year. It wasn't just having to direct this J-drama but attending the hearing therapy after my cochlear implant.

It's become a habit of mine to read lips but I no longer need to rely on it to understand others because I'm able to hear now. Yet hearing will never be the same after the car accident but having the cochlear implant is something I don't regret.

(One year ago ~ At Tsukinose Hospital)

After waking up after the surgery, the first thing I see is my family waiting for me to open my eyes.

"Mom... dad..." I call out.

My parents quickly turn to me and give me a hug. "Akane we're so glad you're ok." They tell me and my eyes widen.

"What perfect timing," Dr. Tsukinose says as she analyzes my condition. "It seems that everything went well with the surgery. You should be able to hear now even if it isn't the clearest. If you can hear tell me right now."

"I can hear..." I answer in realization that I could hear them without reading their lips.

It wasn't so clear like she said. I could hear buzzing noises and the voices around me sound robotic. Yet... even though my hearing could never be the same... I never thought I would have the chance to hear everything around me again like I am now.

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