S5. Life with Aoi

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(5 Years Later...)

Ring Ring Ring

"Agh. What time is it?" I grunt as I wake up early in the morning to the noise of a cellphone ringing. I roll to the side of the bed and check to see that it was Lev calling on Alisa's cellphone.

I sigh. Why is he calling so early in the morning on a weekday? I pick up the cellphone and accept the call. "Hello?"

"Eh? Aoi is that you?" Lev asks surprised.

"It's me," I answer and glance over to Alisa who's peacefully sleeping right next to me. "Alisa's asleep right now but you can leave the message and I'll tell her when she wakes up."

"Sure!" Lev enthusiastically says. "Yaku just came back to Japan after his volleyball matches and wanted to go drinking with everyone tonight. Are you free?"

"I'm free and Alisa is probably free too," I tell him. "Where's the place anyway?"

"Kenma's place," Lev happily proclaims.

Kenma's place huh? I haven't seen Kenma and Akane ever since Kenma proposed to Akane.

"Sounds good. I'll see you there," I answer then hang up the call.

I roll out of bed and get ready for a day of work. I brush my teeth, fix my hair, and change my clothes. After eating breakfast downstairs, I go to the mirror and tie my tie. Just another day of work, I think to myself.

"Aoi you're already awake?" Alisa asks after coming downstairs from the noise then notices me all dressed up. "Are you heading to work early today?"

"I am. I have a meeting with the CEO of Tsukinose Company," I sigh.

Alisa giggles. "Don't say it like that. Tomoyo is a fun person to talk to." She says as she walks over to help me fix my tie.

I shake my head. "You haven't seen her when it comes to business. She's a difficult partner to collaborate with... she gets off topic too easily." I explain then remember the phone call from earlier. "Lev called your cellphone earlier. Since Yaku came back from his volleyball matches, he wanted all of us to come together and drink at Kenma's place," I mention. "I'll be going but I wasn't sure if you'll be free or not."

"I'm free," Alisa smiles as she pats down my tie. "You seem excited though. It's been a while since we last saw Akane. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you again," she teases.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I scratch my head embarrassed by her words. "Anyways, breakfast is already on the table if you're hungry." I tell her then kiss her on the forehead. "I'm off to work. I'll see you tonight," I teasingly smile and she blushes.

"B-Bye!" Alisa stammers and I leave the house.

(Four Hours Later... In Tsukinose Company)

"So what do you think Aoi?" Tomoyo Tsukinose, the CEO of the Tsukinose company, asks for my opinion of her plans on expanding the project on creating a holographic cellphone.

She intensely stares at me as she waits for my answer and I clear my throat. "It can work. My company can contribute to the designing and marketing process for your product but I'm not sure if we will have it ready by the deadline you proposed," I explain to her and she laughs.

"I bet you will~ that's why I asked to collaborate with you after all," Tomoyo grins and a sweatdrop falls behind the back of my head from the unexpected pressure. "Besides I will work with my company to ensure that they'll have everything prepared for you to put together."

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