52. Plan

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(After school ~ In the gym)

After Kuroo cancels his volleyball team's practice for the day, we all meet at the gym to discuss the current situation happening right now. I stood silently as I listened to Akane tell her side of the story of what was happened earlier today and Kenma's observations to how closely involved Miyu was with Akane before the time that I dated Miyu.

If I didn't know Miyu then I would be surprised that there was someone as crazy as her in existence like how everyone is reacting right now. Yet I was the one who had to experience it first hand.


All the things that I did to protect my little sister's secret ended up being pointless. I only became Miyu's boyfriend so she would not reveal to everyone that Akane was deaf but in the end, everything backfired the moment she felt like she was going to lose her hold on me.

It still frustrates me how Miyu exposed Akane and twisted the truth to make Akane look like a liar who can't be trusted. She didn't have to go that far but she did. Now everyone either sees her as a manipulative, clingy little sister or gossips behind her back with a pitiful gaze for her being deaf.

I clench my teeth. I can't let Miyu continue to do this and get away with it. "We need to do something about this," I voice out.

Kuroo crosses his arms. "Of course but we need to come up with a well executed plan—"

"Wait a moment, there's something I don't understand," Akane interrupts and turns to me. "Aoi you were dating Miyu. Why didn't you tell me that she knew that I was deaf?" She purses her lips, hesitating on her next words. "You didn't tell her that I was right?"

My heart drops hearing her doubt me. "I didn't tell her but..." I glance over to Kenma and Kuroo. They both nod their heads. I take in a deep breath then exhale out. I look back to Akane. "Miyu blackmailed me to date her to keep your secret."

"..." Akane's eyes dilate.

"Wait seriously?" Lev blurts out in complete shock and everyone's eyes widen hearing the news.

Akane tightly grabs onto my hand and slightly bows her head down. "I'm sorry Aoi. I notice that you were stressed out especially these past few days but I didn't do anything. I should've reach out and maybe... this would've not happened."

"You don't need to apologize for anything Akane, you're the victim in all of this," I reassure her then I gently pat her on the head. "As of right now we shouldn't look back at the mistakes we made and regret but instead take action to fix everything."

"Hmmm...." Inuoka scratches his chin, deep in thought. "Rumors have already spread of Akane being deaf. I don't think we can deny the truth."

"True. The fact that Akane lied about being deaf to everyone makes it easier for people to believe that she's a manipulative person who keeps her older brother to herself," Kai points out. "Rather than try to deny she's deaf, what we need to do is to deny everyone's false view of her."

"It's not going to be easy. Miyu deceived everyone by telling the truth with a lie and she will only continue to lie for her own self-satisfaction," I sigh.

Yamamoto cracks his knuckles. "Then let's beat the truth out of her!"

"We ain't gonna do anything that stupid!" Yaku shouts and smacks him in the head.

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