39. Shopping

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Akane POV
(The Day Before the Tokyo Anime Convention)

I haven't gone to an anime convention before but I learned after research that some people who attend dress up as anime characters from the shows that they like. The idea of dressing up sounded exciting so I decided to cosplay myself.

I don't have many female friends that I go out with. Often whenever I want to go shopping, I would drag my older brother with me but he's been busy with his girlfriend so I couldn't ask him like I usually do. Luckily, there was no boys' volleyball practice so I asked if Nanami was free to go out a little.

Nanami told me that she was free as long as it wasn't too late and much to my joy, the two of us went on a shopping trip to find myself a cute cosplay outfit to wear tomorrow for the anime convention.

"What are you thinking of dressing up as?" Nanami asks me and I grin.

"I'm thinking of Alice from Alice in Wonderland," I happily tell her.

"Oh, I see! I feel like that character will definitely suit you," Nanami smiles.

Together, Nanami and I hastily search around the store for clothes that would fit the Alice in Wonderland theme. Once we put together an outfit with the clothes that we found. I go into the fitting room to put it on.

"Ta-dah! What do you think?" I happily ask as I spin around in my Alice in Wonderland outfit.

"It's cute! Just as I thought, " Nanami compliments, and I grin

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"It's cute! Just as I thought, " Nanami compliments, and I grin.

"Thanks! You should try cosplaying too! It's fun," I tell her and Nanami awkwardly scratches the back of her neck.

"... I would but I don't want my mom catching me wearing it. She might ask me where I'm going," Nanami explains and I purse my lips.

"Hmm.... maybe do something simple then," I purse my lips in deep thought then spot a cute red cloak. I take it off the hanger and hand it to Nanami. "Why not dress up as little red riding hood?"

"Little red riding hood?" Nanami repeats and I nod my head.

"Anything that matches the red cloak will work, like a nice white dress shirt and a red skirt or black pants," I suggest. "I'm sure you can be little red riding hood without getting caught. What do you think?"

"..." Nanami stares at the red cloak in my hands and takes it from me. "Sure I'll do it."

"Yay!" I happily cheer and Nanami laughs.

"You're a really energetic person Akane," Nanami compliments and I giggle.

"I'm just happy because today we get a break as managers and for the first time, we're hanging out together outside club activities," I gleefully tell her.

Nanami's eyes widen. "You're right. I'm glad that I came with you when you invited me," she says with a small smile. "But I do feel a little bad that we're joining in on your date with Kenma."

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