6. Please Believe

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Kenma POV
(6 months later - Last few days for the seniors)
(On the stairs nearby the school)

"Kenma are you really planning to quit the team," Kuroo asks me as I hand him the club resignation form.

"Yes," I answered. It has been six months since I joined the volleyball team and ever since the first day I joined the team, I was treated terribly by the 3rd years.

It's just because you're a first year... They would always say. Those words have been a constant reminder on how they see me in the team. Not as a team mate, but as the little kouhai of the team that does everything for them... I hate it. I don't know want to deal with it anymore. Every time I came to practice, I would barely ever play a game and instead they made work like a slave doing their bidding. I never got to do what I wanted and I could never go against them... I wasn't even officially in the team. I'm not needed in this club.

"Kenma. Try to think about it, we're going to have a new coach and I'll be the official captain for this team next season. The 1st and 2nd years know your worth as a setter for the team... Are you really going to throw it all away because of the seniors?" Kuroo asks me again and I don't say anything. He's just trying to convince me to join the team, but he's the one who tricked me into getting into the team.

"Just turn in the form for me okay?" I tell him. He sighs as he scratches the back of his neck and goes through the form checking everything I wrote.

"If this is what you really want, okay then~ I'll give you a week to think about it more and then I'll turn it," he says and I nod my head in agreement... This is for the best. I'll play video games instead of going to volleyball practice or play with the kittens in Akane's house. There's no need to commit myself to a team.

Ring ring

"Kenma, Yaku is calling us. He probably wants to know where we are," Kuroo looks at the caller ID of the cellphone with the contact pic of an angry Yaku.

"Go hangout with the team without me... I want to be alone right now," I tell him. Kuroo doesn't say anything and eventually I hear the footsteps of him leaving. Once he leaves, I hug my knees to my chest and listen to the car traffic that typically takes place around this time with cars honking along with little kids playing on a near by playground. I inhale and exhale some air as I let the wind blow against my hair. I rest my head under my arms as I look down on the floor as I get deep into my thoughts.

 I rest my head under my arms as I look down on the floor as I get deep into my thoughts

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I never had a passion for volleyball so why... Why do I want to be on the team? I didn't play many matches as a setter... I want to play more, just a little... But I don't want this kind of treatment of the ranking of senpais... If volleyball is like that, then it's not even worth the --

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