S4. Tanabata Festival

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(At night ~ Yoshina household)

After I finish studying for the night, I take a seat on the couch and flip through the channels on the television. Mei passes by and notices me on the couch. She jumps up to me and lies down on my lap. I chuckle. I caress her chin and she purrs.

"Huh Aoi what you doing here? Aren't you going to the Tanabata festival held today with Akane?" My mom asks me as she catches me sitting on the couch by myself.

"Today?" I question. "I thought she was going with the team tomorrow?"

"No, it's today. Akane just left a while ago with Kenma and Kuroo. I thought you were going to join them later but I didn't want to interrupt your studying time," my mom says and my eyes widen. 

I stand up from the couch. "Kuroo that bastard-!"

He lied about the date!

I grab my jacket from the coat hanger and quickly put it on. "I'm heading out mom. I'll be home later with Akane. Bye!" I wave then quickly leave.

"... maybe I should've not said anything and let Akane be on her own," she says as she puts her hand on her cheek and sighs. "That kid though. Aoi just dotes on his little sister so much that it worries me. I mean they've been together since they were kids so it's understandable but I hope Aoi's making friends of his own."

(30 minutes later)

"Where is Akane???" I loudly question myself as I search around for her.

"Mommy why is he yelling at himself?" The little boy points at me.

"Don't look son or else you will become like him," the little boy's mom says as she guides her son away from my direction.

I slightly frown. Do I look like I'm crazy?

I know I shouldn't worry so much since she's with the team. But I always get nervous whenever Akane is with Kenma. Because deep inside, I know that once she's with Kenma then I won't be able to treat her the way I usually do.

I sigh. I shouldn't get so down, I just need to find Akane. It's just annoying how there's a lot of people who have come over for the Tanabata festival so finding her is going to be a pain.

"Can you please step aside?" I overhear a familiar voice.

I turn around and notice a suspicious man trying to flirt with a tall, long blond hair woman. I take a closer look and realize that it was Lev's older sister, Alisa. My eyes widen. What's she doing here by herself?

"No, can do pretty lady. Would you like to hang out with me instead?" The creep asks and Alisa frowns.

"Sorry but I'm not interested," Alisa says as she excuses herself.

The man clicks his tongue and tries to grab Alisa's wrist but before he can I grab his hand. "I hate people like you." I disgustingly say and twist his wrist.

He winces in pain. "Why you-geh!" He tries to punch me but I block him then grab his arm and pin him down.

"Let go of me," the man pathetically squirms and I jab him to the side. "I won't. Take the hint, she isn't interested and no woman would be interested in a creep like you."

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