32. Denial

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After hearing the crash sound from the other side, I run over to Kenma's house and to my surprise the door was unlocked.

I quickly go inside with Kuroo, Yaku, and Kai catching up with me from behind. I open the door to Kenma's room, only to find him there with his mom. I look around for Akane but only her belongings were here.

Where is she?!

"What happened!? Where's Akane?!" I shout, concerned for her well-being.

"She left..." Kenma answers and my eyes widen.

"Akane left— but her things are here, why would she leave without taking her things?" I point out.

Right after I said that, Kuroo, Yaku, and Kai catch up to me at the entrance of his room.

"Kenma we heard a crash sound from the other side? Is everything alright?" Kuroo worryingly asks.

Kenma tightens his hands in a fist as he stares at the broken glass on the floor. "I... I hurt her feelings..." he quietly mumbles as he feels a wave of regret crush him. "And I'm not sure if we can ever be friends like we once were ever again."

"Hurt her feelings?" I repeat. "Kenma what are you talking about?!"

Kenma flinches and doesn't say a word.

"Kenma what happened you two were supposed to be just studying—" I angrily shout but Kuroo stops me.

"Aoi stop. Getting angry like that doesn't solve the situation," Kuroo consoles and I take in a deep breath.

I take a look around to see the spilled snacks and glass on the ground. "Kenma clearly explain to me what happened here and where Akane went?" I calmly ask.

"..." Kenma purses his lips. "Akane confessed her feelings to me but I told her that I just wanted to be friends with her. I tried to stop but after I told her that, she left." He reveals.

Kuroo's eyes widen hearing his words while Yaku and Kai were stunned by his words.

I stand there completely speechless. I knew Akane liked Kenma but I never would have thought that she would confess to him now. What surprises me even more is the fact that Kenma rejected her confession. I thought he liked her too... but now I know, Akane left because her feelings were hurt.

I clench my fist. "I... I need to—"

"Aoi go find Akane. She needs you right now, we'll clean up," Kai says and pats me on the back.

"Go find her you big sis-con," Kuroo teases.

Yaku nods his head. "You owe us."

"Thanks." I look over to Kenma. "I'll talk to you later about this," I tell him and he averts his gaze.

I leave Kenma's house with Akane's belongings and take my cellphone out to text Akane where she was. Luckily I didn't see her cellphone here with me so she must have it.

I send her a text message asking where she was, she immediately replies back.

After seeing her message, I head down to the emergency staircase and see a bright light at the corner of the bottom of the stairs.


I walk over to her and see her head buried down as she hugs her knees to her chest.

I send her a message to tell her that I'm here. Her cellphone vibrates in her hand. She looks up and sees me standing there.

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