33. Forced Smile

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Akane POV
(A few days later ~ In the morning)

I stare at my exam scores and sigh. This is terrible. I barely passed every exam with around a 70. I'm lucky that with the scores that I got I'm still able to attend the boys' volleyball training camp that's coming up but I know this isn't my best.

I don't even want to tell Aoi what I got. I feel like he'll regret not helping me like how he usually does on my exams but I don't want to rely on him for everything.

Yet I feel that the real reason for my score is the fact that I couldn't get Kenma's rejection out of my head. I'm ashamed that I let these feelings get passed me and affect my grades.

"How depressing," I mumble.

I haven't gotten the chance to talk to Kenma either. More like I avoid talking to him unless it's necessary and when I do talk to him, it's hard to start a conversation so it ends up being awkward.

It's not like I want it to be like that but every time I'm around him, I'm reminded of the fact that I confessed my feelings to him and was turned down.

He says he wants us to stay as friends but how can we go back to being friends as if nothing happened?

He makes it sound so easy.

Not to mention, the training camp is coming soon as well... this means I'll have to see him more and try to act like how I usually do so no one catches on between Kenma and I.

"Akane~" I see someone wave their hand in front of my face and I jolt back startled.

"W-Who?" I blurt out and after getting a clearer look at the person, I recognize her to be the girl I met before, Miyu.

"It's me Miyu remember?" Miyu smiles and I nod my head.

"I-I remember," I answer and she keeps the smile on her face.

"How did you do on your exams?" Miyu asks me.

I awkwardly scratch the back of my head. "I got passing scores for my exams... how about you?"

"I got on the top 10 like how I wanted," Miyu answers.

"That's good!" I congratulate her.

"Thanks, I want to catch the attention of the person I like so one thing that I need to do is be as smart as them," Miyu proudly states.

"The person you like?" I question.

"Yes. He's like the handsome prince of my dreams. A true gentleman that's kind as well as smart. He's perfect," Miyu praises. "I confessed to him once but he turned me down but I'm not going to give up until he says yes."

My eyes widen. "I'm jealous..."

"Of what?" Miyu asks.

"Of how you seem so positive of liking the person who rejected you," I admit as I reflect back to my own situation with Kenma and I. "How do you do it?"

I can't even get over the fact that Kenma isn't interested in me in that way meanwhile this girl is still doing her best to have the person she likes look her way.

The tip of Miyu's lips turn up. "Because he's the one for me. I'll confess my love to him and will continue be persistent until he likes me. I'll use any kind of methods that I can to gain his attention and have him. If I gave up on him that easily then it would show that I don't love him enough."

"...." I'm speechless by her words.

Even though these were words of encouragement, it slightly frightens me the way she said it. Maybe I read her lips wrong.

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