S10. Kiri Kozume

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Kiri Kozume POV
(At Kozume Household ~ In the morning)

I lean back on the couch as I flip through the channels on the television in hopes of finding something interesting to watch but find nothing that catches my attention.

"I'm bored," I loudly complain as I spend my summer days with nothing to do.

My name is Kiri Kozume, a 6th grader in Tsuru Elementary School. I already finished all my summer homework and video games that I have at home. My childhood friend, Takao, is out on a family trip and I don't feel like socializing with the other kids I know so I have no one to hang out with.

I look around the house to find someone to bother and see my older brother sitting at the kitchen table as he stumbles to send a text message on his cellphone.

I poke my head to the side to see what he was doing. Aoki notices me and quickly tries to hide his cellphone but I still catch Nori's name on the message.

"Are you having trouble sending a message to Nori nee-san?" I ask with a sneaky smile and he scowls. "Hahaha you know I'm joking," I tease and he sighs.

"Whatever Kiri. Go play with your friends," Aoki tries to shoo me away but I dodge him then stick my tongue out to mess with him more.

A vein pops on his head and he gets up from his seat ready to probably fight me but before he attempts to, he flinches and straightens himself up.

"???" I tilt my head confused.

"Kiri," I hear a deep familiar voice. I turn around and jolt back seeing my dad come out of nowhere.

"Woah! Dad, you're awake earlier than I expected. Did I wake you up?" I blurt out surprised and he messes with my hair.

"No I was already awake," my dad smiles then turns to Aoki. "You still have the extra computer monitor that I lent you for your video game streams right?"

"Yeah. Do you need it?" Aoki asks and he nods his head. "I'll bring it down then." He says then heads upstairs.

I watch dad make himself a coffee in the kitchen then take a seat down on the kitchen table. "Dad, I'm bored."

"Did you do your homework?" My dad questions and I nod my head.

"Hmm..." my dad goes deep into thought then glances at the calendar on the refrigerator.

"What do you think about giving volleyball a try?" My dad tells me.

"Eh? But dad aren't you getting too old to play volleyball? You always get tired of running around whenever we play outside," I point out and he slightly frowns.

"I'm not old," my dad retorts.

"Hehe, I'm joking," I grin.

"Such a mischievous child," my dad lets out a soft laugh. "Well, a good friend of mine is hosting a volleyball training camp for kids this week. Are you interested in joining?"

"Good friend?" I repeat as I tilt my head confused.

I know it's not Uncle Kuroo since he's out on a family vacation.

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