S6. 5 Year Anniversary

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Akane POV
(At the amusement park)

Today is a special day as it marks the five years that Kenma and I have been in a romantic relationship. The two of us planned together this anniversary with a date to the amusement park and a nice dinner afterward.

"That was fun!" I shout as I stretch my arms and body after we went on the rollercoaster.

"It was faster than I thought," Kenma states, and I giggle.

"It definitely was! Your eyes were open wide the entire time, did you get scared of the ride?" I playfully tease and Kenma slightly frowns then taps his finger on my forehead.

"I never went on one before," Kenma admits. "When Kuroo and I were kids, we went to the amusement park together and he would always try to drag me to the rides but I was stubborn and ended up sitting down most of the time."

"Eh? If you don't like amusement parks, why did you suggest it?" I ask surprised by his words and Kenma awkwardly scratches the back of his neck.

"It's not that I hate it but I want to go on a date with you to the amusement park so we can make some unforgettable memories together. It is our anniversary after all," Kenma shyly answers and my eyes widen seeing him express his emotions so openly with me.

I hold onto Kenma's arm and his ears blush from my sudden touch. "If that's the case, let's make some fun memories together. What should we go on next?" I happily ask.

"I'm not sure," Kenma says as he looks around the rides.

"Hmm..." I look around then notice a ride with cute spinning teacups. "Ohh let's go on this one!" I tell him as I point to the teacup ride.

Kenma's face pales as he watches some kids on the ride spin the teacup uncontrollably. "..."

I clap my hands together. "Please Kenma! The teacups are so cute! I promise I won't spin the teacup too much!" I plead.

Kenma narrows his eyes seeing my puppy look then sheepishly sighs. "Fine. Just once shouldn't be too bad."

"Thanks Kenma!" I happily cheer as I take him along with me.


As we go on the teacup ride and put our seatbelts on, I notice the uneasy look on Kenma's face. "What's wrong Kenma?"

"I have a bad feeling about this," Kenma mumbles and I tilt my head.

"Don't worry I'm here!" I reassure him and think about the rollercoaster ride we went on earlier. "Honestly I was surprised that you were good with rollercoasters, but why are you nervous over a teacup ride?"

"Rollercoasters are fast and move straight. It makes my adrenaline go up but I don't knock out from it," Kenma answers then notices my confused look. "When I was a kid, Kuroo spun me on a tire swing and kept spinning it to no end... at some point, I lost consciousness because I was so dizzy from the spinning," he explains embarrassed. "I don't want to experience that nightmare again."

"Ohh..." I mutter in realization. "I won't spin it too much. If you ever feel uncomfortable let me know."

"Thanks," Kenma smiles.

"Everyone! Please put your seatbelt and keep all hands in the ride!" The announcement goes on. "The ride will start in 3,2,1... go!"

The teacups start moving around and I slightly spin the wheel. We watch the teacup that we were in slowly starts to spin.

I look to Kenma. "This isn't so bad right?"

"It's not so bad," Kenma says relieved.

"Yay!" I cheer. "I'm glad you're feeling ok. I really wanted to go to this ride because they styled the teacups to be Alice and Wonderland theme—!"

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