2. Making a friend

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Kenma POV

"Are those your kittens...?" I ask the girl holding the white kitten in her hands. Her fingers start fidgeting as she hesitantly tries to answer my question.


Maybe she's trying to comprehend what I'm to say or maybe she can't hear me. I hand her one of the milk cartons and point to the kitten in her hand. "Can you give her this?"

"Sure," she nods her head. Her blond hair bounces up and down as she responds. Her blond hair really stands out... It's rare to see someone with blond hair here in Tokyo. She takes the milk from my hand and opens the carton. There's a moment of silence as the two of us just give milk to kittens in the cardboard box. I don't want to be social with anyone and I think she gets that.

Today, not so great. It's my first year in this school and Kuroo isn't even here to take me around. He told me to meet up here, but he never came. I take my cellphone out of my pocket and text Kuroo that I'm at the back of the school. All the kittens purr after getting a refreshing cold drink of milk. I throw the cartons away and I watch the girl play with the kittens. This girl looks like a first year... I don't think it's best to interact with her. I anxiously wait for Kuroo's reply that doesn't come.

"Are you the owner of these kittens?" She timidly asks me.

"No," I answer not looking at her direction. Hopefully she'll get hint to leave me alone and go play somewhere else. After I think this, she pulls a kitten from out of nowhere to my face. I jerk back in surprise and fall down to the ground. What the--

She starts laughing at my reaction and I glare at her. Why did she do that!? Where's Kuroo when I need him the most. He's the person who does all the talking for me. She squats down and pulls me up from the ground.

"You should always look at people you're talking to them," she smiles. "If you don't, then they can't understand even if you talk loudly." Her huge blinds me and I quickly turn my head away to avoid her gaze. She starts laughing again... Am I really that fun to her?

"My name is Akane Yoshina. I'm a first year in this school, what's your name?" Akane sticks her hand out waiting for an answer and handshake. I stare at her hand... Do I have to tell her who I am? I mean I probably won't ever see her again. I stand there for the longest time not giving her my name and the silence grows.

She doesn't move her hand nor does she do anything, but just stays on the same spot. Why is she so persistent? Does she really want to know what my name is? "Kenma." I give her a short answer. Just from hearing my first name her face brightens up.

"Kenma right?" She repeats and I awkwardly nod my head again. I didn't give her a handshake, but her hand is still out waiting for one. I slowly put my hand out and we both shake our hands.

She takes out her cellphone and gives it to me. "Can I have your number?" She asks and her face quickly turns red. "I-It's just because of the kittens. I hope that doesn't sound strange to hear. I just want to know what's going to happen to them... Please," she stutters in her words and the tips of my corners go up. She's the strange one in my opinion.

I know that even if I reject her, she wouldn't give up and have a stare down with me until she gets what she wants. "...Sure," I answer. I type down my number on her cellphone and she texts me her number.

"Just text me. Never call me," she says and I nod my head. I feel the same. I don't want to talk to people unless I have to.

Her cellphone vibrates a moment too soon and her face saddens. "Kenma, I need to go. It was nice meeting you though! I hope I can see you again!" She happily waves goodbye and I give her a tiny wave back as I watch her leave to go off somewhere. We probably will never see each other again and if we do it's probably to give the kittens away to someone.

The bushes start shaking from behind me and I flinch the rustling noise. "Kenma!" Kuroo waves to me from the bushes outside of the school grounds. He climbs the fence and hops down making a perfect landing. His usual bed hair sticks out and I watch him try to even out whatever hair he can. After giving up on hair, he turns his attention to me and a sneaky smirk appears on his face. "Kenma talking to someone other than me. What a rare event." He lightly elbows me on the shoulder.

"Why didn't you come here earlier?" I take out my cellphone and show him the text message he sent me. "We were suppose to meet up here."

"Sorry sorry~ I was helping out this middle schooler," Kuroo puts his hands together as an apology. "But you made a friend on your first day of school." He gives me a approving smile like a father to a son.

"I'm not good with people, I don't want to interact with them." I monotonously say.

Kuroo shakes his head knowingly. "Of course. You always been like that". I take my backpack that laid on the grass. The kittens start moving around in their sleep and causing the box to shake. "So what you are going to do with the kittens?" Kuroo gestures his head to the box.

I stare at the box with the 4 small kittens inside. "We have to leave them there for now. I have to ask my parents on whether or not I can keep them." I answer and Kuroo chuckles at my statement. "What's so funny?"

"You can't interact with people, but you sure do love interacting with animals," Kuroo cracks up laughing and I start walking ahead of him.

"You have to make up for the time," I say as I look at the time on my cellphone.

Kuroo catches up to me with a huge grin on his face, "Of course. Of course. It must have been so scary talking to a real life person." I ignore his words and the two of us take a quick tour around the campus.

(30 minutes later)

"...Well here's your classroom," Kuroo double checks my student profile sheet and hands the sheet back. "See you around after school for volleyball." He waves goodbye and I walk into the classroom.

"Kenma, we're at the same class!" Akane smiles and excitedly comes up to see me. "We even get to sit next to each other." She points to the back of the classroom to two empty seats.

"Yeah," I nod in response. She walks ahead and I notice that as she does, all the girls look at her with disgust. I doubt it's my imagination, but it's only the first day of school.

"She so strange," a girls whispers to another girl.

"I know right, it's like she can't even hear us," the other girl comments as Akane pulls her seat into her desk.

"Look at her hair, it's blonde, who is she trying to impress," a girl comes in to chat with other girls.

It might be her hair that's attracting so much attention, but it's probably more than just that. Akane doesn't take any notice of their conversation and tries to find me from the crowd of students. "Come on Kenma!" she pats the desk that's behind her seat. I pull my chair out and sit down for class.

I hope I don't get too involved with her. If I do, I think my years of high school is going to become like a roller coaster.

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