53. Stand Up

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After I send the text message to Miyu, I message everyone in the group chat to prepare for what will happen next. The plan that Kenma made was concise but I knew just as well as he did that this plan heavily depended on whether or not Miyu will fall for it.

I feel a tug on my sleeve and turn around to see the concerned look on Akane's face. "Do you think hiding there will work?" Akane asks as she points to the teacher's desk.

"It should be fine. When you're recording the conversation with your cellphone, it's a diversion like Kenma says. Everyone's listening to the conversation from outside through the windows," I explain. "Getting caught by Miyu will make her feel like she has the advantage over us so we'll take that chance to have her reveal everything that she did."

"I see..." Akane mumbles worried.

I pat her head. "Don't worry, everything will go fine. If things go wrong then I'll take care of it."

"Aoi... please don't do everything on your own. Let's end this together," Akane declares. "The things that she did to you by using me as a way to blackmail you were horrible. More than anything, I don't want to see you suffer and for her to get away from it."

My eyes dilate. "Akane...."

Akane softly smiles. "We're always trying to take care of each other on our own but we should be taking care of each other together."

I blink surprised. "You're right about that but I'm your older brother so let me at least dote you a bit," I tease.

The two of us share a short laugh before setting everything up from the inside while the team gathers people from the outside. Once everything was ready, Akane hides under the teacher's desk waiting for Miyu's arrival and I lean back on a desk as I stare at the clock on the wall.

She should be coming here any minute and when she does, it's going to be all or nothing. I know she's already suspicious of me for inviting her here of all places so she'll be on her guard. 

Not a moment too soon, the door slides open and Miyu appears. She glances around the hallways then enters the room and slides the door closed.

"Aoi after breaking up with me, why do you want to meet again?" Miyu asks as she gets ready to act like a girl who had her heart broken by her boyfriend.

"I needed to talk to you about something important," I tell her.

Miyu fakes some tears. "Demanding such things with an apology how cruel—-"

"Miyu stop acting. You need to tell people the truth. The fact that you blackmailed me to be your boyfriend with Akane's secret. It's gone too far. Rumors have spread throughout the school about Akane and she's become a victim to bullying because of your lies," I bluntly explain.

"I don't know what you're talking about. You're accusing me for no reason," Miyu denies.

"I'm not. Own up to what you did," I straightforwardly state as I take a step forward.

Miyu takes a step back and her eyes swiftly scan the room then stops at the teacher's desk. "Pffft," Miyu lets out a small laugh but her eyes were as cold as ice.

Kenma was right. Miyu grew wary the moment that I told her to reveal the truth and because of that, she started to look around the room for some kind of evidence that the conversation we're having was being recorded.

Miyu walks over and pulls Akane's hair. "Well look what I found here? A little spy? Pathetic."

Miyu snatches her cellphone and tosses Akane on the floor like a rag doll.

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