57. Starting Point

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Kenma POV
(Spring High Preliminaries)

As we do our warm-ups before the match starts, I could hear the loud cheers coming from left to right. I look up to the stands on our side of the court to see Yamamoto's little sister leading the cheer squad that she recruited with the help of Nanami and Akane.

"Fight! Win! Ne-ko-ma! Score! Yeah! Ne-ko-ma!" Yamamoto's little sister, Akane, leads the chant with a megaphone in her hand.

"Fight! Win! Ne-ko-ma! Score! Yeah! Ne-ko-ma!" The cheer squad repeats as they clap their clappers.

As of right now, we have reached the semifinals for the Interhigh Preliminaries. Only three teams could represent Tokyo. There is a chance that we will head to nationals but there is also the same chance of not getting in.

As I head over to the benches to take a short break from warm-ups, Akane eagerly walks to me and hands me a water bottle. "Here's some water to refresh yourself a bit." She offers and grins. "Are you excited for this match?"

"Not really," I shrug it off and she giggles.

"So you say but after hearing from Shoyo on how they won against Shiratorizawa, you seem more excited than usual," Akane points out. "Why is that?"

I press my lips realizing how I can't hide anything from her. "Back in the training camp, Shoyo told me that he wanted to play a match against us. Not a regular practice match but an official match where losing meant an instant game over," I look to her with a determined gaze. "And I feel the same way."

Tweet~ Tweet~

The whistle blows and the two teams come together lined up. Kuroo and Bokuto step forward and walk to the front of the net as they stand face to face. "Here's to a good game," they both shout and give each other a handshake.

Spring Tournament Tokyo Area Qualifier Semifinals

Fukurodani v.s. Nekoma

Everyone gets into position and the first side to serve is Fukurodani. Bokuto throws the volleyball up in the air and jump serves. The volleyball goes directly to Yaku and he receives it.

I stare at the volleyball in the air and catch signal that Kuroo was running to the net. The moment I felt his presence, I quickly set the volleyball to him and he smashes the volleyball to the other side,

"Fight! Win! Ne-ko-ma! Score! Yeah! Ne-ko-ma!" The cheer squad cheers.

"Yeah!!" Kuroo shouts as he high-fives me.

Up next, Yamamoto serves the volleyball and Konoha receives it. Akaashi heads over to the volleyball and tosses it over to Bokuto, catching our blockers by surprise. Bokuto easily smashes the volleyball to our side and the strength of the spike was so powerful that it went to the stands.

I watch the volleyball head straight to Yamamoto's little sister but before it could hit her, Aoi catches it.

"..." Aoi stares at the volleyball in his hands surprised and everyone goes speechless.

"Wow did you see what just happened!? A guy on the other court spiked the volleyball into the second-floor seats!" The MC announces.

"Hey! Hey! Heeeey!!!" Bokuto shouts and everyone on the Fukurodani's side cheers.

"What kind of power is that?" Alisa mumbles in pure disbelief.

"He's a top player for a reason," Nanami states as she looks down at the team worried if they would be able to beat Fukurodani.

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