S2. Valentine's Day

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~ Picnic Date ~

Kenma POV

One more day before Valentine's Day, a day that I thought I would never celebrate. I honestly don't care much for Valentine's Day. In my opinion, it's just an overrated holiday where couples decide to show how much they love one another like any other day or when girls give chocolate and confess their love to their crushes.

My view for the holiday has been pretty stereotypical I admit but the fact that I've been single for most of my life and don't have any admirers makes it a holiday where I could care a lot less for.

This year, however, is different with Akane and I dating. Akane already set plans for a picnic date for tomorrow in the morning and didn't even bother to hide the fact that she was going to make me something for Valentines's Day.

Yet what made me feel like the biggest idiot in the world was when I asked her yesterday why the date would be in the morning and not during the afternoon.

I sigh as I remember Akane awkwardly laughing as she was telling me that her birthday was on Valentine's Day and had plans to celebrate it together with her family for the rest of the day.

Right after hearing that her birthday was tomorrow, I had to make a last minute shopping trip to get a birthday gift for Akane... with Aoi and Kuroo.

"Kenma why did you bring us?" Aoi asks as he stands alongside Kuroo who just followed me because he didn't have anything better to do.

"I need help finding a birthday gift for Akane," I tell him.

"Huh? Akane's birthday? When's that?" Kuroo questions.

"Tomorrow. Her birthday is on Valentine's Day," Aoi clarifies then folds his arms and looks over to me. "Why are you shopping for her gift now when the shopping districts are all crowded with a bunch of girls trying to buy chocolates? You should've done it earlier."

"I didn't know it was her birthday till she told me yesterday," I explain.

"..." Kuroo and Aoi look at me disappointed look on their face.

"Aren't you her boyfriend?" Kuroo shakes his head and my eyebrow twitches.

"I know I'm terrible for not knowing and I have no idea what she wants for her birthday either," I sigh. "That's why I brought you two here. Do either of you know what Akane would like?

"..." the two of them look at me with a completely blank look. "I have no idea." They both answer and I facepalm myself.

"Useless," I mumble.

"Well, Akane isn't exactly a person who wants anything in particular. She's happy with anything you give her," Aoi states.

"We'll be back at the starting point again if you suggest that," Kuroo bluntly says then looks over to me. "Why not give her something related to cats?"

"Like what?" I question and Kuroo looks around the store. "Shirt, piggy bank, plushie, night light lamp? Any of those sound good?" He says as he holds them all up.

"The night light lamp looks like something she'll like," I admit as I turn it on and watch it change colors every second.

"Hmmm... even so, I feel like you should give something else to add with it though. The nightlight lamp is cute but it's kind of small," Kuroo points out.


What else could I give?

"Why not this? It looks like Akane's style," Aoi says as he shows me what he finds and I blink surprised then laugh.

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